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'Looks better. I guess.' My eyes burned with tiredness as I stood in front of a mirror in the bathroom and looked at the bruises all over my back. They started to get dark purple and the strangulation marks on my throat began to clear up.

Only thing that barely changed was the petechial hemorrhages, the pure blood turning the whites in my eyes red. I guessed it just takes the veins there some more time to heal. After all, three days weren't that much time for all of my injuries to get noticeably better.

I put my shirt back down and sighed. It was awfully quiet here, except for Nightwing showing up twice a day to check on me - since something happened to Black Seven.

All I knew was that Blacky was going through some stuff and wasn't able to talk to anyone, but I was told not to worry after I asked if he was alright so far.

But the majority of the time was not me thinking about Black Seven and what possibly happened to him. I mostly thought about myself. My life. And how I was supposed to get over my breakup with Mistah J. No matter how much he hurt me, losing him hurt even more. And this wouldn't pass as fast as the physical pain.

The sound of the front door being opened let me sigh. Usually, Nightwing didn't visit me a third time but whatever. I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now and just took the icebag to cool my ribs again.

"Get out, Nightwing. I'm not in the mood to have a conversation." Hard enough to hide my marks under loads of makeup, I didn't need someone always talking about how Joker was the worst maniac to ever walk the planet. I didn't need anyones sympathy.

"Aw, and I thought we could have a girls talk."

My eyes widened and my heart started beating at a higher pace as I heard the voice. A voice I didn't expect at all.

"Mistah J?" I whispered and turned my head with a big smile before peeking out the bathroom to make sure I didn't only imagine that. But it really was him!

"Pud--" I ran towards him but immediately stopped myself as I remembered what he told me three days ago. "I-I mean Joker." I felt my happiness fading and looked down on the floor.

He smiled and looked around. "So that's where you live now, eh?" Joker ran his left hand through his hairs. "Nice place."

"Thanks." I said and noticed that he had his face fixed up so it looked just like the time before I left. How much I just wanted to run over and hug him. But then I remembered that we weren't together anymore. "How did ya even find me?" I asked instead and still avoided any eye contact since I didn't want him to see my blood red eyes.

Joker walked over to the closet Black Seven used to store most of his weapons in. "Well, I figured you'd be either with Ivy or Wayne so I tracked down the places you've been at last and after a view days of stalking, I came across this hideout."

My eyes widened and I started to feel a bit weird about this. Yet, I found it cute. "Really?" I asked, actually pretty confused about this.

Joker started laughing at my question. "Of course not, ya oddball." He giggled and sat down in a revolving chair. "I just asked Black Seven, duh." I smiled because the way he laughed always sent goosebumps down my back - the good kind, though.

But there was one other thing I wanted to know. "Why did ya even wanna find me? Thought ya didn't eva wanna see me again." My eyes started to water a bit as I remembered our breakup. And what he said to me.

"Just wanted to check on ya." Joker answered and spun around in the chair while smiling, making my heart skip a beat. But for the first time, I stopped myself from being too happy. He was a control freak. He liked controlling everyone around him, regardless of the meaning the person had to him. I knew that. But once again, I pushed that thought aside.

Joker turned his head and looked at me. "So, what injuries do you have?" I rose an eyebrow. Did he forget what happened three days ago? Or wasn't he even realizing it while he almost killed me? Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to hear it from me personally because he expected me to get angry with him?

I shook my head. "Just a view bruises, nothin' big." 'Well, that was smooth.' I rolled my eyes at my own response since I used to be better at lying. Especially when it came to explaining my own injuries.

"Of course. That's why you hold an icebag this big to your ribs." Joker grinned and turned around on the chair, facing the back of it and rolled over to me before looking at me from underneath - because I was still staring at the floor - so he was looking straight into my eyes. It might have been imagination but I thought his smile faded for a moment. "How many?"

"Two." I answered, suddenly feeling bad because he could see my strangulation marks and red eyes by now. I didn't want him to feel responsible. Or guilty. It was my fault for leaving like a bitch. Maybe I would've reacted the same way if he disappeared out of nowhere.

"But I guess someone had to teach me a lesson, huh?" I smiled and looked down at him.

Joker narrowed his eyes in anger, making mine widen in panic and I immediately jumped back, expecting another punch to the face. "Sorry!" I called in fear as he stood up from his chair and walked closer to me.

'Please, don't hit me!' I started to shake as he stepped closer, still having that outraged look all over his face. 'Why can't I ever shut the hell up?' I winced as he pulled up his left hand and squinted my eyes, feelimg my body cramping.

Instead of feeling the crushing pain on my cheek, I felt an arm moving around me and pulling me into...a hug? I opened my eyes.

"That is the most retarded thing you've ever said. Dumbass." Joker softly growled with a serious look on his face and suddenly, a wave of sadness strock me like a bus and I felt the emotions from three days ago getting to me again.

I dropped the icebag, grabbed his black suit and buried my face in his shoulder while starting to cry and just letting my sadness out. "I'm so sorry for leavin' ya like an idiot! I'm really, really sorry! I won't eva do it again. Please, please forgive me, Joker!" I sobbed, unable to control myself.

"Only if you stop calling me Joker. I'm okay with others saying it but when you call me that, it feels...unnatural." He chuckled and I immediately nodded. "Sure, I will." My voice broke and I just kept crying.

Joker stroke my back and I turned my head to look at his other hand that held a shot containing green liquid. "Also, I got you a little something."

"What-What's this?" I asked and he moved it up to my face so I could see it better. "You know perfectly well what this is." He whispered and I narrowed my eyes trying to remember where I saw that before, as suddenly the memory hit me.

Suddenly, the ace card came to mind and I facepalmed. "The Ace of Knaves, of course." How could I not see this earlier? It was so obvious and that literally hurted.

"Looks like someone figured it out, very good, detective." Joker mockingly said with a grin and I wiped my tears away.

I moved my head away from his shoulder and tried to pull myself together. "I...I don't know what to say." Still sobbing, I couldn't hold my tears back, even though I wanted. I've never cried in front of Mistah J and I felt like it could annoy him.

"Then don't." Joker wiped away some of my tears and I shivered at his touch. "Wanna show daddy that smile of yours?" He asked while I felt him giving me the shot in my upper arm and I just had to chuckle at his soft voice. "There it is." He held my face with his left hand, making me look up at him. "And if anyone should apologize, it'd be me." He moved his face closer to mine and gave me a soft kiss, making me close my eyes.

People could say what they wanted. Right now, I knew that Joker felt at least something for me. After all. He wouldn't do all of this if he just wanted to manipulate me...would he?

Harley Quinn And The JokerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang