A Punch Or Two

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"You're weak." Black Seven shook his head as I got back from my walk with Ivy who woke up from a pretty long sleep after getting knocked out by Black Seven. And my good mood from talking to her for the first time in weeks faded as Black Seven started his lecture. "And it'll get you killed someday."

Rolling my eyes, I just put down my mallet that had a view blood drops on it from some people that annoyed me. "You don't know whatcha talkin' 'bout." I answered and wanted to go into my room but got stopped as Black Seven jumped up from his chair and banged his fist at the table. "Oh, and you know? Ya know what ya do ta yerself?"

His sudden anger surprised me, even frightened me. I've never heard him yelling like this before, at least he never yelled at me. "Mistah J's a little rough sometimes but everyone can have a bad day." I smiled to lighten the mood a bit but it seemed like it only outrage him even more.

Black Seven walked towards me and made fists with his hands, releasing the spikes of the gloves. "He's almost killed ya! More than once! An' you're so blind and think he loves ya! How dumb are ya even, huh?"

By the time he finished that last sentence, Black Seven stood right in front of me and his angry eyes got a green twinkle. "You're in his cage, he controls ya and ya just think he loves you! Like, all it took fo' ya ta give in was a simple smile, is you serious?"

He started to smile and tilted his head, making me walk back as his anger started to scare me. With his green eyes and the big grin, Black Seven reminded me of Joker, even the way he talked. But...he wouldn't hit me, would he?

"Just...calm down, Blacky!" I stood with my back against a closed door but he didn't stop his outraged look. It was so creepy seeing him like that, it reminded me if the night he killed five men in the most brutal ways. The way he stared and smiled at them, he was now glaring at me in the exact same way.

"Calm down?" Black Seven giggled and scratched his face with the sharp spikes of his right glove. "Do you have any idea what it does ta people like Poison Ivy, me, Riddler and even Nightwing seeing you a bloody mess every damn time ya get back ta him?"

My legs started shaking as his smile faded and with the most serious look, he pulled his fist up. 'Damn it!' I jumped aside as he was about to punch me in the face and gasped as his spikes left deep bumps in the iron door. 'That could've been my head!'

Black Seven immediately turned around, that eerie smile all over his face. "Aw, don'tcha like gettin' almost killed?" He laughed and pointed at me with the spikes of his right hand. "Just hold still, this might hurt a bit." He squinted his right eye and chuckled.

My eyes widened as I remembered he could shoot those things and quickly dodged three of them but one lightly hit my cheek, leaving a small scratch that started bleeding. "Stop it, Blacky!"
I received nothing but a crazy laughter as an answer and had to dodge all of his punches. What frightened me was that he didn't use his right hand because that glove was out of spikes. And he just tried to hit my head, Black Seven seriously tried to kill me.

After I jumped aside one more time, I found myself cornered between two closets and wheezing while Black Seven seemed as if he had fun with that. "Please, don't do that." I looked at him with big eyes but it seemed as if he didn't even hear me. He just...laughed.

I looked at my mallet and reconsidered the situation. I didn't really want to hurt him but there was no other way I was getting out of here alive. "Why aren't ya smilin', huh?" Black Seven walked closer and still giggled as I grabbed the mallet. Did he even notice that?

"Because I don't have a reason!" I waited till Black Seven was close enough, and just before he was able to punch me, I hit his head with my mallet, making him scream in a bloodcurdling way and throwing him aside against a wall. "Sorry!" My eyes were closed and as I opened them, I saw blood coming out of his right ear.

I threw the mallet aside and immediately ran over to Black Seven to check on him, only to find his empty eyes half way open and no sound of breath coming from him. 'Nonononono!' Did I kill him? The hit wasn't hard enough to break his skull, was it?

"Quinn, what happened?"

I turned around to find Batman running over to me and I noticed the glass all over the floor. He must've jumped through one of the windows - and I didn't even hear that.

"H-He was about ta kill me, I didn't mean ta--" My voice was shaking and my eyes widened as I saw that his right eye was completely filled with blood, I could barely see the pupil.

Batman looked at the cut on my face and back at Black Seven. "I'm getting him to Arkham, he'll be okay." He picked him up and walked away but I followed him. "He isn't dead?" I asked, still staring at Black Seven who didn't move even a finger.

"No." Was the simple answer and as quick as he appeared, Batman was gone. Leaving me alone in this big theater hall with nothing to do but a strange feeling of happiness. For the first time in...well, ever, I actually defended myself against a crazy man who tried to kill me. And it felt...awesome!


Some time passed and I looked at the clock to check the time. 'Still got an hour.' I looked back at my reflection in the mirror as I tried to cover up the scratch on my cheek. Oddly enough, it burned as if there was acid in it and I quickly walked over to Black Seven's closet in his bedroom.

I remembered him talking about using different gloves at different times. Some might've been covered with poison - though I was immune to most poisons, thanks to the plant mix Ivy gave me some time ago.

"Let's see..." There were about ten different gloves in weird colors like blood red or an oddly bright yellow. But all were black at some point.

I looked through the colors and found the purple ones that had barbed spikes. So whatever it was that covered the spike that hurt my cheek caused the scratch to burn as hell. Maybe it wasn't even something dangerous, who knows? Maybe I was just nervous and thought it was hurting more than a usual scratch.

Sighing in disappointment, I closed the closet and walked out of Black Seven's room because it was getting late and I still had to get to Joker's hideout - which quite far away.

At this point, I stopped thinking about Black Seven. Batman said he'd be fine. So that topic wasn't relevant for me anymore.

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