I puff my cheeks and let out a breath as I remove the keys from the ignition. I have to face the music, and now is as good a time as any. I move slowly towards the front door, dread building with every step.

I don't have a key for her house, she'd always been waiting for me when I arrived. I jog up the three stairs of the front porch and knock on the door. The video doorbell crackles and I hear her voice.

"What are you doing here Calum?" She snaps, her voice hard.

"Jes, baby, please let me in so we can talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. I can't deal with this, not today."

"Jes, please" my voice catches in my throat showing my emotion, "I know today's hard for you. Please just let me in."

"No. I need space."

"Jes, come on. At least let me in to help with Paisley if you need it. You shouldn't be alone today."

"Am I suddenly incapable of taking care of my daughter alone? I've been doing it for weeks."

"Fuck Jes, that's not what I meant and you know it."

"I don't know anything anymore." She scoffs.

"Just let me in, Jes." I feel the sting of hot tears on my face as the sounds from the video die meaning she's exited the software.

I can't leave. I've made some bad decisions lately and that would only be another. She needs me, I know that, even if she doesn't want to admit it. I turn my back to the side of the house and slide down, bringing my knees to my chest. I drop my head against my knees and try not to be overcome by my emotions. The past 24 hours have given me whiplash. It's hard to believe less than a day ago I was ecstatic, on the plane home to see my girls. Now I'd do anything just to get through the door.

Just as I've all but given up, I hear the lock click open on the door beside me.

"You can sit in the living room. Do not talk to me. I don't want to hear it, you're only inside because you're you and because it's hot as fuck out there." She won't meet my eyes and her voice is harsh but I'll take what I can get right now. I scramble to my feet and hurry after her through the doorway.

"I'm exhausted and need a shower. It's gonna be a long one. Paisley is napping in her playpen, keep an eye on her please." She says disappearing down the hall to her bathroom. I hear the water cut on and I step into the living room. I kneel down beside Paisley on the floor staring at her tiny frame as she sleeps silently.

She's not even three months old and I've already let her down.


I turn the water to hottest and highest setting before stepping in. Alone under the water, I finally allow myself to break. How did we get here? Calum and I's relationship had been basically perfect. I had trusted him, I'd counted on him, I'd believed in his goodness. Now I felt more lost than I had ever been. Even with everything that happened with Mark I'd never felt this betrayed.

My tears come without warning or permission and I find myself sobbing in the stream of water. My whole chest heaves and I struggle to breathe. I sink to the bottom of the shower and curl my knees to my chest.

My cries are broken by the sound of the bathroom door opening.

"Get out, Calum."

"Jes, please talk to me. I know I've hurt you. I never meant to."

"Enlighten me Calum, what exactly was it you meant to do putting your tongue all over that girl?"

He's silent like I'd expected. I hate confrontation and he knows that. He'd expected me to give in but I won't dismiss this so easily.

"Jes, I don't remember it. When I said that was the worst of it, I believed I was telling the truth. You have to believe me."

"Why the fuck would I believe you? You've lied to me multiple times. Saying whatever it is you think I want to hear. At this point you may as well have slept with her."

"I didn't, Jes. I wouldn't."

"How do you know? You've said you can't remember!" I'm yelling which is very out of character for me but I don't even care. Paisley's soft cries ring through the house. "Fucking fantastic."
I shut the water off and grab a towel wrapping it around me and hurrying out to grab up my distraught baby.

I take her past Cal and upstairs, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

I hate this. It's not like us. Jes and Cal don't fight. Jes and Cal have a healthy, loving relationship. But maybe that Jes and Cal doesn't exist anymore.

An: I know they're my characters but I fucking hate when they fight ☹️

Do you think they'll make up or be done for good?

What do you think Cal should do to get Jes to forgive him? Should she forgive him?

Sav 🖤

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