Chapter #57 Seraphina

Start from the beginning

Judging by the worried looks on everyone's face, I figured they knew too.

Maybe I should just wait... and if nobody answers for long enough, I may be able to pass as absent for that exchange student meeting thing...

The answer for the question up on the board was on the tip of my tongue, but the pity I felt for my classmates as they frantically snapped awake wasn't enough to make me speak up. Hopefully, if I was lucky, nobody would be able to mention anything to please the teachers question. After all, I had a feeling she was looking for something specific.

"After class?!" Someone yelled out, waving their hands, "But you can't keep us! It's the end of the day!"

Just as the teacher was about to answer back, the bell rang, and several students slumped back in their seats in defeat.

"All I want is a couple of answers," she repeated, crossing her arms. "This is fairly simple, and if you don't remember because it was long ago that you studied it, find someone who knows about it."

Almost immediately, several eyes glanced over to me, pleadingly. I knew that they believed in me to get the answer, and feeling of duty filled me. They trusted me, I might as well give them what they wanted.

Several students had marched over to the teacher, bombarding her with ideas, ones that I was sure they had gotten out of the back of their head. I wasn't surprised that most had forgotten the unit, it had been quite a while since we had reviewed it anyway.

Five minutes had passed, and while classmates tried coming up with ideas, and others tried flipping through their textbook to find the unit, I just sat there, waiting.

Is it really that hard?

The teacher seemed to get even more annoyed and annoyed as time passed. And finally, she snapped, clenching her teeth and hitting the chalk against the chalk board.

"If none of you get anything in the next two minutes, I'll have to send your parents all an email, one that explains how poorly you are doing in this class." By the way her stare showed no resolve, I knew she meant it. I didn't exactly blame her, but as the end of the day, I would've expected her to have a bit more pity on the students.

My hand flew up, just as the last words left the teachers mouth. Sure, passing as absent for the exchange student thing would be nice, but my mother receiving an email on how I was badly doing my grades... that would be a complete horror. Besides, I still got the best score I could, always strived to ace the test, and never missed a class.

Nothing had really changed.

Other than developing what I could definitely call a friendship between others, and sneaking out at night to do what only a so called super hero would.

Am I even considered a vigilante at this point?

The question toyed around in my head, maybe I was indeed doing what these so called super heroes did, but how exactly did that make me a one at all? Was it maybe my intentions that mattered...?


My thinking was cut off short by the sharp voice calling my name, and looking up, I saw that the teacher had taken note of my hand. I had almost forgotten that I wanted to answer the question.

"The Roman Empire was brought down by the goths," I looked over to Lin, the boy who had answered that earlier. "But they also had other factors that brought them down."

How much has the modern day world changed today?

Going silent for a bit, I couldn't help but think about how closely tied the destruction of the Roman Empire almost had some same characteristics that we still had today.

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