Chapter 48: Last Test!

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I am terrified and afraid to meet his brother...

We are now walking inside this tree. Its huge inside like it is a freaking mansion

"Actually he listened to all of your answer.  He is the one to decide  if you are fit to enter the book"-Amor

Oh oh!!! I did say i love his sister.   Also i mention how i did nothing when they took her

When we saw the Chronicle our marks light up. Like it knows that they are near it.

"Remember! Do not wonder inside the Chronicle you might get loss. And please stay together no matter what happen"

Amor said before we get suck by the book

I slowly open my eyes just to see some weird houses

"Where are we?"-Jin

"I don't know. But one thing is for sure. We are in the past"-Kate

"How did you know?"-Jimin

"I study history when i was  a little and this  is one of those who i love to read the most"-Kate

"So you we're telling us that we are in some kind of historical place?"-Cath

"Yes! Why?"-Kate

"Because Cath can travel into time. And if he want to meet us in the past he  just need to ask. Not like this."-Suga

I was about to answer when someone call my name

I look around  only to see an empty place. Who the hell it is or was i hallucinating







Who the hell it is

I am about to ask them and stop them from calling me in such a tone when i feel my head ache

I slowly close my eyes and fall unconscious


I sighed while looking at my sister. Its a good thing that she's ok.

I had a sister but when we were kids we use to travel alot and then one time the two of us got lost in the jungle

And me being a smart kid decided to go in a opposite direction and even though shes telling me to stop i didn't listen because that time i believed that i was right

But im not! Because of me the situation get even worst

And because of fatigue i lost my conscious and when i woke up i see my family looking at me with a sad smile.

They said that it is only me that get lost

(Jungkook is only a kid)

"Baby! How are you?"-Mom

"Im fine mom! How about you" i said while smiling at her

"Im fine too!"-Mom

"Son! You have to accept what happen. And if your having trouble with your feelings always remember that we're here for you"-Dad

"What do you mean dad?"

"I know how close you are with your sister. But baby we have to accept that shes gone. But shes watching us from above and she doesn't want to see you like this"-Mom

"Mom what are you talking about? Im with my sister the whole time! She stay with me in the  forest! Mom we sleep together and before i know it i wake up here. Where is she?"

End of flashback

They didn't believed me

They even said that my sister die two days before i went missing

But now shes standing in front of me

"Hey buddy! You're not going to hug me?"

My sister said with a joking smile on her lips

I run into her and tackle her on the ground.

Im about to said something to her when my head suddenly spin around

And the last thing i heard before i close my eyes is the words

Sleep well

(BTS) Let GoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon