Chapter 16: Hi

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Catherine POV

"Argh I should kill that girl" i said while looking at Kate

"Or you can drag her and leave her in the time passageway so that she can never come back"-Ellen

"Guy's"- VM warned us as she maybe read our mind

"Ammmmm i have a bad feeling"-V

"What is it?"-Lyra

Yeah guy's we're now friends with demi-god. They have a cool personality and each of them is so cool. Also they manage to make the guys fall inlove with them

Suddenly i feel dizzy i hold into JK's hand for support but he himself is trying to stay fucose

"Shit! The dark king is here"- VM said in telepathy as i finally close my eyes because i can't fight it anymore

Kate POV

"Guy's wake up" i shouted at them.

"Where are we?"-Jin

"We are at the Black kingdom"-Lyra

"How do you know?"-RM

"Because i feel so. Why? Don't you trust me?"-Lyra

"Lyra he trust you enough to give you his own  heart"-V


"Ops the king's guest is awake. Wait here i should tell the king"


"You know him?"-RM

"Yeah. Why would you introduce your self since your good at it"-V

He bows his head and look at us

"The name is Dwight Nathaniel the hunt man of the darkness.(he suddenly change his self and became Sam) Long time no see Jimin"-Dwight

"See! I knew it!"-JK

But Jimin didn't say a words as he keep his head low. I know that his still blaming his self in what happen to V

"I must Congratulate you
Taehyung! You survive"-Dwight

"Im not weak like you are"-V

"But im smarter"-Dwight

"Hunt man"

"My king"-Dwight

"Move i want to talk to them"-Dark king said

"Good morning! Did you sleep well"-King

"If im going to hand cuff you like this can you still sleep comfortably?"-Suga

"I guess not. It's already hard to sleep without mr. Blue"-V

"V  shout up"-Pearl

"Yeah! Listen to a demi-god! It is my honor to welcome the daughter of our gods inside my palace"-King

"What do you want?"-VM

"Nothing! You know after i see Hanna i figure out that i should introduce my self too. Like what i did to her"-King

"What did you do to her?"- amy shouted looking so scary

"The things that i will do to all of you too"-king

"I swear your going to regret touching her hair"-Abby

"Is that so!"-King

"My king! The new army is here"

"Hold them. Im coming. Hunt man make sure to torture them"-King

"Yes my king"

Jimin POV

Its been a month since we saw the sunlight. Dwight really is doing his job seriously. Every day he will come with a sadistic smile and start torturing us for an hour

"Hi guy's i miss all of you so much"-Dwight

"Urgh your back"-V

"Why is it V?"-Dwight

"Oh nothing i just thought that after all the beating you did i probably look so beaten and ugly but then i saw you and realise that im still handsome compare to you"-V

"Is that so! Well then lets use the poison this time"-Dwight

"I suggest you stop talking for awhile. Your getting us into a deeper trouble"Cath said while looking at Dwight who is now getting ready

"Yeah i think so"-V

"Let's start wi-----"

He didn't get the chance to finish what he want to say because he got knock out by someone


"Tss. Don't think that im your friends know. I just did what she wanted me to do."-Hanna

"We miss you"-Mary

But Hannah didn't answer and left without glancing at us

"Let's go"-V

But when i look at Suga his staring into space facing the direction where Hanna appears

"Suga lets go"- i said

"Yeah coming"

(BTS) Let GoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon