Chapter 20: Timothy

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Catherine POV

"Hanna why did you bring them here?"- said by the boy who is the reason why my heart is jumping right now

"Well. We need your help Tim"-Hanna

"What? What happen"-Tim

"You know what  happen. Stop pretending that you don't know anything"-Hanna

"I hate you right now. You know that i want to look like an innocent one in this situation but you have to ruined it"-Tim

"Stop acting like a child Tim. And please introduce yourself to them"-Hanna

"Sureeeeeee Ugly duckling"-Tim

He face us. He is so handsome. A living god of all the good looking man on earth. His eyes is so cute also his lips is so plump like his taking good care of them. I really hope he don't have a girlfriend or someone because i will be that girl no matter what happen

"Hello lady's and gentleman. The name is Timothy a demi-god and welcome to my relm. I apologise because Hanna didn't warn me"

"It's ok. But we came here on purpose"-JK

"And im afraid that i hated to dive into your business that fast. Im a little bit busy"

"We are willing to wait"-Jimin

"Is that so. Then maybe perhaps i should cancel my meating with the other gods"

"What? are you insane?"-Mary

"Well hello to you too" he said with a big SARCASM

"You can't turn them down or they will punish you"-Abby

"Baby Abby you do forget who's your talking with"

When Timothy said baby to Abby Jimin's face got angry. Hahahaha are lover boy is so angry

"Let me see what i can do"-Tim

"By the way i don't like when people call  me my whole name so please do me a favor and call me Tim"

We all said yes but he suddenly look at me and said

"Not you gorgeous. You were the only one that is allowed to call me Timothy"


"Are you serious?"-Abby

"Your kidding right?"-Amy

"No way"-Mary

"Oh good luck"-Pearl

"Finally, you know since i thought that maybe you'll  die with a status of single"-Hanna

I got really confuse right now. And the way the demi-god's react it must be a big deal.

They see the confucion in our face and Pear being nice answered our unasked question

"As a demi-god  we are destined to love someone by our supreme God. And when the moment that we saw them our mark will appear like this one on my palm"-Pearl said and open her hand to show a haft heart symbol

My brother's face is priceless maybe because Jin knew that it's not him. Pearl walk to him and reach his right hand

"And when we want to show our mate/love that they are ours we need to accept them completely so that they can feel the connection"-Pearl

Jin face light up as if he just won  a lottery ticket or something

"And when they already feel it the haft of our  mark will show in them. It will appear at the same part of our body"

When she said that she open Jin's palm and we saw the haft heart that perfectly match her mark on the same part of their palm.

So that means that when Timothy let me call him his full name is a way on accepting me as his mate

As i thought about it i can't help but to smile. I got my self a fucking cute hadsome God

"Indeed your right. But babe don't call me cute"-Timothy said and hug me

[It should end here but because Catherine is my friend here is a bunos part😊]

"Do you want to feel our connection or do you want to fall inlove with me in a human way?"-Timothy said with a loving smile on his face

"Well then i want to feel the connection. I don't want wait longer either way i will fall for you sooner or later so why right now right" i said

And without a second i feel it.

Its like im safe and being loved unconditionally. It feels like he will always be by my side no matter what happen

"And regarding to Kate's condition i can't do anything. But i know someone who can bring her back. You all might need alot of patience because this person we are about to see is not easy to persuade"Babe said while looking at his watch

"We will meet him tomorrow  morning. For now we all need to rest"-Babe

"Catherine your sleeping with me. No boyfriend yet"-Jin

"But his my mate"


"So you should let her or maybe i should find another room for me"-Pearl

"What No"-Jin

"Then let her"-Pearl


"YES thanks Pearl"

"No prob"-Pearl

When i enter my room someone hug me behind and whispers

"I like when you call me babe"

I can't help but to blush

"And i love it when your blushing because of me"

"Shut up" i said and run to the bathroom. Shit i blush even more when i hear him laughing at our bed

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