Chapter 44: Team

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Chapter 44 team
J-hope POV

V look so confuse. He didn't know what happen but we did.

"Where is Kianna?"-V

"She is the sacrifice" Jimin said while looking at V's eye

"WHAT? But we won"-V

"No V you didn't. Kianna did not answer the last question"-JK


"We don't know"

I lied. I know why! We all do but we don't want to hurt him.

"This must be the last relm"-RM

"You're right. My name is Emo and this is my relm. In this relm you will challenge as a team."

Emo said while walking towards us!!

"How was the challenges so far?"-Emo

"We already loss 4 sisters and bestfriend. And were not going to loss someone again"-Suga

"Sure thing. By the way the goddessess is watching from above. Maybe  you can get them back but it has a price"-Emo

"What ever the price is im paying it as long as we get them back"-Suga

"Your not the one to pay it. She is! Are you willing to take the consequences of your words Suga?"-Emo

"I am"-Suga

"Your planning to save the world and yet you can sacrifice someone's life just bring back the other"-Emo

"Success requires sacrifices. As long as it can make things better then we are going to sacrifice"-V

"Then V, tell me! Can you sacrifice Nicole for the world?"-Emo

That is a kind of question that is so unanswerable

"No! I can never do that. But if the world is in danger i would find a way to save it without sacrificing my love. But it is the only way I'll do it and if its done i will go wherever she is"-V said while looking seriously

"Hmmmm.... Now i remember when a queen sacrifice her daughter just to save his son. Do you think it is right Suga?"-Emo

"She did it to save us both. She knew that E would die if she didn't get the antidote. That's why she let them take her"

Suga said angrily to Emo. He hate that kind of conversation

"Just like how Jin let Catherine go and did nothing to find her"-Emo

"That is for her own good"-Jin said calmly

"Is it for her own good if she suffers in so much pain?"-Emo

"She wanted to complete her self. I wanted to stop her i really do but how can i if even my self is not completely complete" Now Jin is crying...

"Like Jimin?? He wanted to find his self but in the process he killed his brother"-Emo

"It was an accident. I didn't mean it" Jimin said while backing down

"Is it?"-Emo

"YES!! His on my way! I can't control my powers that time. I told him! I told him to go! But he didn't listen! Its not my fault. It was an accident. I didn't mean it"

Jimin said while shaking his head. His past is not a good one!

"Fault? Jungkook you are to blame right?"-Emo

"Of what?"-JK

"Of your causin death"-Emo

"That's not true"-JK

"Then what is the truth? They find you holding the dagger while your cousin is in the floor bleeding. You know since the two of you are mortal enemy"-Emo

"I didn't do it. They did. I don't know who they are but they did it not me"-JK

"Then perhaps J-hope knew who it is. Its impossible not to when he is the one who to make sure that your cousin is  alone that night right?"-Emo said

This is the right time i guess. To tell the the truth!

"Yes i know who they are! Im one of them" i said getting ready at Jungkook

"What do you mean? How can you do it? It ruined my life" Jungkook shouted at me angrily

"BECAUSE I HAVE TO!! I did have no choice your brother is the reason why my baby sister die! I have to take his life to bring her back!!!"

It hurts me! I didn't want to do it but i have no choice!!

Jungkook didn't said a word and he didn't look at me either

"RM do you want to share your secrets too! I mean its really a big one"-Emo

"What secret is he talking about?"-V

"The one when RM try to do the ritual of hell healing"-Emo


"Your try to kill us"-Jin said not believing his self

"I have to! Guy's i love my mom so much! I love her! The  healer said that we can't do anything to save her. Then that night one man came to me and said the ritual. I try but i can't do it!! The memories of us came back! I didn't do it"

RM said! all of us stay quiet. Maybe because we don't know what to say.

Maybe this is the end of our journey as bestfriend and as a family

"We are team"-Jin

"What ever happens we stay together"-Suga

"Because were family"-RM

"And family never leave each others side" i said

"Even if we fight or we have our ups and down"-Jimin

"We will stay together because that is what we are"-V

"We are BTS we are family"-JK

We all look to each other and smile! They're right. What ever happen we are family..

"Then i suppose you pass."-Emo

"Huh? But you didn't say what challenge it is"-V

"Hahahahaha this relm is all about emotion. I try to ruin your friendship by ruining your self. But i didn't succeed. CONGRATULATIONS" Emo said and disappeared

We slowly glow and when we  open our eyes we are at the mystic forest

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