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Weeks passed until the couple sat within marble white walls of the castle again. Luthias opened the case before the rest of the proceeding, handing over the evidence to the King and his court for them to review and study. Everyone was there, the couple, their families, and Clifton Bennett's recently relieved servants.

Ilyana sat within the throne room as the space was structured to accommodate the trial and all those involved. She sat patiently, yet anxiously as she analyzed every detail of the grand presentation of such a space.

Golden accents, artwork within entablatures, and trimming, with slight imperfections as the marble revealed dark spots as well as within columns. The rug's pattern underneath her feet and the earthy color palette hinted behind the King's throne, embedded in the velvets and rugs on his elevated platform.

Ilyana kept observing, distracting her whilst each and every witness gave their testimonies in order of importance. She, being the primary and a first-hand witness, went first in reciting her tale. She had Ronan's support, of course, but since he had arrived later at the scene and wasn't involved in the event when it happened, he needn't give a testament. But when Clifton Bennett stood in the center of the room, the young man had to leave for "some air", knowing he couldn't stand what the cruel man had to say.

Bennett's appearance at the trial was contradictory. He had clean clothes and dressed presentable, but his hair and posture hinted at little hopes of his case being salvaged. That was until he became cunning.

"Originally I thought that I had walked in to discuss business as usual until the conversation escalated. My King, Ilyana Faethyra had searched through my drawers before our meeting, violating my personal privacy," Bennett kept his voice from deviating towards emotion.

"Ilyana, what say you?" King Theodemar asked.

Ilyana rushed to stand as she found herself to be very self-aware of her actions. She thought that by her mere rise from her seat made her seem in a rush to defend herself.

She slowed slightly and calmly replied, "My King, you know that I speak the truth when I say that I knew not of Mr. Bennett's personal collection of journals and letters of which you hold today. The sir might be a bit dazed in his memory and forgot to close his drawers. I sat patiently by the fireplace of his study before he arrived."

Although it sounding like a smooth lie from her part, there was no other way to interpret it because she was left alone in the room that day. Clifton, knowing that he had no defense left, had to be contained as he lashed out at the Fae. Ilyana didn't allow herself to smirk or show any cockiness of any sort when that happened. It was great to watch him being dragged out like a protesting toddler having a tantrum.

Returning to the case at hand, she was granted her seat back as she sat only to lose herself in thought and further analyze the throne room. That was until Ronan returned, most likely from seeing Bennett removed from the setting.

Ilyana noticed his collar had been tampered with and automatically assumed, whispering, "Did Bennett do that?"

Ronan nodded, holding her wrist that was already fixing the collar of his new jacket and vest. "It's fine, love."

Ilyana scanned his face for a potential bruise but was relieved to see no such thing. She sighed and caressed his cheek, to which he leaned against.

Thinking it best that the atmosphere didn't deem such action appropriate, he took hold of her left hand which held his cheek and entwined his fingers with hers. Ilyana couldn't help but stare at them as a golden clasp encircled her ring finger and a smile immediately drew on her lips. Despite the current situation, she knew what lay ahead would be unknown, and if it weren't for the past to clear a path for their present, perhaps none of this would have happened. She considered herself lucky. Although in an unorthodox yet unique position, she found herself happy above all else.

The room reconvened with everyone involved in the trial. A large weight of anxiety and stressed was felt on the couple's shoulders as they both found themselves clinging on to each other's hands in trying to comfort one another.

It wasn't until the words have left the King's lips, "Mr. Clifton Bennett, you are charged with the dealings of illegal slave trading and the murder of your second wife. After careful analysis of the council before you, you have been deemed guilty of your crimes and therefore the deed to your shipping business will be stripped away as well as your property and fortune. The deed shall be handed over to the Luthias Faethyra and you will be sentenced to hand tomorrow morning. That concludes this trial. Take him away."

No one cheered, no one muttered a word as they all observed a once rich man, now crumbled into nothing be taken away to live his last day on this world.

Upon leaving the castle, they all would begin their lives anew without the worry of the past nor current looming threats. Although they didn't celebrate their victory that day, the relief was indeed overwhelming. But the couple, in particular, felt something else; the closing and opening of a new chapter.

And they had each other to brave through it all.

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