The Maiden

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Five years later


Within the kingdom of Ezora, there is a thriving and lively village named Pealf Grove. Rich in its forestry color, the village itself wasn't one that tore through the land, cutting down its resources. Instead, using its citizens used the land and its most ancient trees that were equivalent to the height of two castles. Their tree branches and roots used as roads and some sturdy bridges made from the very bark of the trees. High up from the ground is where the houses of citizens lived, thriving within their handmade built treehouses of luxury. The larger and sturdier the house, the wealthier a family must be, especially if they include stone in their structures. On the ground is where their water supply was located as well as the marketplace where merchants come and go. There are also mines on the border of the village that hold gold, iron, gems, and crystals. Some of the crystals have been known to contain medicinal magic to aid the sick, increasing their value. Taverns, bars, and shops were built within the mountain, close to the ground. The village was quite well known for its stunning views of the kingdom due to being located close to the mountains and landmarks where one can stand on top of the tree canopies to sightsee. However, it was a village known for its tranquility as well since barely any commotion breaks out amongst the roads or its citizens.

One early morning, one could spot a peculiar black and green female leopard, three-fourths the height of a full-grown Elf, peacefully drinking water from the stream that ran underneath the village. Eyes that sparkled gold near its cat-like iris and faded to bright emerald. Her black mane long and proud, however the fur at the thighs, breast, neck, and muzzle it glowed emerald green. White fur outlined her eyes, neck, and belly. From behind her jaw and shoulder blades, grew golden monarch butterfly wings. Even on the tail grew the same wings that revealed a shorter, less fluffy golden tail on either side of the main one, located little ways beneath the tip. Her very claws were gold as well.

The leopard raised her head and figured it was time to go home to see her very best friend. She sprinted away to the nearest root branch, jumped and ran through the road, her speed, however, remained a bit slower to not disturb the locals. She passed by some Elven children who were familiarly acquainted with her.

"Hi, Elmora!" Almost all of them said in unison and approached the leopard. She stopped and allowed the children to pet her, and had her fair share of embracing them by rubbing her head against some of them. One of the girl elves gave five blueberries to her and she gladly accepted them for she was an omnivore.

After greeting the children, Elmora jumped onto a tree and scaled it, then leaped onto one of the great trees across the road from where the children stood. When she landed, the children cheered and gasped in awe at how far she could jump. Whilst climbing, she avoided the houses she came across by. At the highest house, she found, she sat on the roof to rest for a bit. She bursts into a sprint and leaped over the edge of the house. In mid-air, sparkles of gold and bright green formulated around Elmora and consumed her until they all disperse to reveal her with large golden monarch wings as she flew towards a circular home that protruded from one of the great trees. It was a cottage that was two stories high with a secure foundation of wood, supported by a large natural branch that held the foundation in place and another branch provided a balcony view. Spiral staircases made of wood came from the front door and branched out to other roads and houses. The house's walls consisted of multiple, chiseled stones plastered together; however, it was mostly composed of glass windows, balancing out the two materials. Vines twisted along the roof and some grew out of the logs, birthing leaves, and flowers that trailed down to the cottage's columns.

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