Chapter 8: Sleepover

Start from the beginning

Charlie's face burned all the more. "I mean, yeah..."

She supposed there was no point in lying to her. Though Charlie had never been extremely wild or rebellious, she definitely had her fair share of fun growing up.

"Well, it always works for me. I never have any dreams when I smoke." Beatrice said. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her head leaned slightly back. "I just close my eyes, and when I open them it's morning."

Charlie bit her lip, before finally letting out a sigh. "Okay, sure."

If my dad knew I was smoking weed with my kidnapper, he'd absolutely kill me.

Nevertheless, they ended up sitting on the pull out bed together, silently passing a joint back and forth as they watched some nature documentary. Beatrice seemed really into animals, and Charlie tried to tell her brain to remember that when she was sober again.

Charlie watched it intently, not really listening to the words, but mostly focused on the brightly colored frogs, and the way their throats thrummed like drums.

The soda she had gotten fizzed pleasantly in her mouth, and the lumpy mattress almost seemed comfortable.

"Do you ever just...feel like you don't understand things?" Charlie said as she squinted at the television.

There was a long pause before Beatrice turned to her.


"Just like, stuff. Do you ever feel like you don't, like, know it?" Charlie attempted to clarify.

Beatrice furrowed her brow like she was thinking.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Yeah." Charlie agreed.


"Huh? I dunno."

The looked at each other in confusion for a moment before bursting into a fit of laughter. Charlie laughed even harder at the fact that this was the first time she'd ever seen Beatrice so much as smile, let alone laugh.

She had a dimple in her left cheek. The sight of it made Charlie's heart race.

"You've got a really nice smile." Charlie said. Without thinking, she reached down and grabbed a hold of Beatrice's hand. Charlie let out another stupid laugh at the sigh of their intertwined hands, but Beatrice suddenly looked less amused.

"I think we should try and get some sleep." Beatrice said quietly. She pulled her hand away from Charlie's and she grabbed the remote to turn the television off.

"That's a good idea. I almost forgot why I was here." Charlie said.

She laid down, and pulled the tattered comforter up to her shoulders, before curling into a ball.

"Wh-not here!" Beatrice said. "In the bedroom!"

"You go sleep in there." Charlie grumbled. "I'm too tired to get up."

"I told you, I don't like to sleep in there!" Beatrice said.

Charlie scooted over to the very edge, but stayed bundled up in the covers.

"Then you take that side, and I'll stay over here." Charlie mumbled. "It's a sleepover. Sleepover. Sleepover. Fun fun fun."

She felt Beatrice, probably reluctantly, crawl under the covers beside her. The last thing she heard before she fell asleep was Beatrice grumbling to herself.

"You better be glad I'm high."

"What is this?"

Charlie groggily pulled herself up and rubbed her eyes. Was that a man's voice? It sounded like it. Why was a man here?

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