Part Two, Chapter Seventeen: Little Lessons

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Twenty minutes later, and Lin had her cornered in the training room on the company building, standing across from her with his arms crossed and his brow furrowed.

"Do I seriously have to put these on?" She asked. She rolled the small, magnet-like devices back and forth in her palm.  Just having them there, not even linked up to her nervous system, made her palm strangely… numb. 

"I know you can't control your powers when you get emotional." Lin said. "I'm not going to risk having you snap my neck if you get mad."

Beatrice felt her face light up with both embarrassment and anger. 

"T-that's not true!" She said, even though it was definitely not a total lie— just an exaggeration. "Besides, you're going to have the advantage on me now."

"How do you reckon that?" He said, as if he had no idea what she was talking about. 

"You're at least a foot taller and sixty pounds heavier than me." She said, "I should be the one worried about you snapping my neck!" 

"Nope. Unlike you I'm in control of my emotions." He said. 

Beatrice grunted and threw her hands out to slam the door to the training room shut, accidentally proving him right. 

"Fine." She huffed. 

He walked over to grab her by the shoulder to steady her. she pulled her ponytail to the side and placed the chip on the back of her neck. 

Almost immediately, an unnatural tingling sensation zapped through her, from her head to her toes, her vision turned into a kaleidoscope of fuzzy lines. Lin steadied her as her knees buckled under her, until her vision slowly returned back to normal, and she regained control of her legs.  

"You okay now?" He asked. 

She groaned at the buzzing in her skull that was already starting to crescendo into a full blown headache. 

"Peachy." She said. "Can you just go ahead and beat the shit out of me?"

"I already told you that I'm not here to beat the shit out of you." He said. "We're training." 

Beatrice turned away and grumbled under her breath.

"Well someone probably should. Maybe it'll fix whatever is wrong with my brain."


"Nothing." She said. "So what am I supposed to do? Do I just walk up and punch you in the face? Because if I'm being honest, I've been wanting to—"

Her feet suddenly weren't underneath her anymore, and her breath was knocked out of her as she landed flat on her back on the mat. 

"Fuck." She coughed. 

"Try not to land on your head." Lin said. "That would have hurt you if this were concrete."

"Could you tell me we were about to start?" She spat back at him. 

"Is that what criminals usually do?" He asked. There was a tinge of amusement in his voice that only made her all the more angry at him. 

If that's how this is going to be, then fine. 

She pulled herself up, and put everything into running towards him. She threw everything she had at him, but nothing seemed to help. Punch after punch, he caught each one by the crook of her arms and swatted them away like it was nothing. 

He hooked his foot around her ankle, and pulled her feet from underneath her one more time. This time she was able to react fast enough to curl to the side before she hit the ground. 

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