Another Argument 4 (END).

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* Liam's point of view *

I pulled my car into the driveway of Harry and Niall's house. I picked up a sleepy Lou in my arms and knocked at the door, Niall opened it.

" Hey, Li-- What happened ?" he asked me as he saw my red cheek. Before i could answer him,Harry appeared and handed Lou to him so that we can talk easily.

"I'll tell u firstly put lou on the bed." I said and Harry took him. Me and Niall went into the living room where we sat on the sofa and after tucking Lou into the bed, Harry also joined us.

I explained them everything abt what happened in the morning. Their faces turned soft and they rubbed my back and Harry said softly," Li, calm down, everything would be fine, babe"

Niall said in agreement," Yeah and if anything goes wrong u got us as ur backbone. "

I hug them both and said," Thank u guys."

* Zayn's point of view *

Why does Liam always make things tough for me when he know that i don't like when someone continuously cut me off without even hearing my side of story.

I was raging in anger but it wouldn't last long as guilt strikes me. I slapped Liam just because i was angry. Now, i got neither him nor Lou.

What have i done, i said to myself. I need to apologise to them and try to convince him at any cost. With this thought in my mind.

I get to my car and ignite the engine. I know that they would probably go to Harry and Niall's house as that was their hope at that time.

I went to their home and i saw Liam's car parked in the drive way and i know that he was inside.

Harry and Niall would yell at me and they got a pretty good reason for that. I make a mental note that no matter what condition Liam put infront of me. I will accept it and make him and Lou come with me.

I knocked at the door. Harry opened it and shout at me," WHO GAVE U THE FUCKING RIGHT TO HIT UR HUSBAND AND CHEAT ON HIM?"

I calmly replied," I know Haz and i m so ashamed of it." When he was abt to open his mouth to reply, Liam shows up.

I run towards him and before i could say anything, he raise his hand that is his palm facing my chest," Don't Zayn."

" Liam i m so so sorry for raising my hand on u. Trust me please." i said, now begin to break down and to my surprise,  he pulled into a hug and i said," I m such a dumbshit Li, just because for our fight nd arguments, i hooked up with Lou."

I also said ," Please Li don't leave me, i love u so much. If u want to yell at me or u want to slap me, u can but please don't leave me."

Liam begin to put his fingers into my hair and said," Shhhh... Zayn, i know things between us was not right, i m also responsible for that condition. I m sorry, Zayn and i love u too."

I begin to cry into his chest and since we sat on the sofa so, i snuggled into his chest and then i passed out.

I feel someone poking my cheeks and on opening my eyes, i see Lou and sat up and placed him on my lap and said," I love u so much Lou....." and hugged him, he hugged me back.  " Love u too dada." He then kissed my cheeks.

" Morning sleepy head. " Harry said nd i chuckled he then continued," C'mon lets go nd eat dinner before Niall eats all."

Lou giggled a lot over this. We ate happily. Then we went back to home, this time Lou came into my car and then we both head back.

" Li, i m so sorry for whatever i did to hurt u." I said as i was still feeling guilty.

" Hey whatever happen lets forget abt it or u won't get the real surprise" He said with a smirk. I know what he meant. So went back and had fun and i made a mental note that Luke will pay for that text.


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