A stranger.

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Louis-9 years old.

* Louis point of view *

Today dads decided that we will go to store since they are in need of somethings and since there was no one left to took care of me so i had to join them.

We went to grocery story as kitchen was out off food.

" Dada can i go to see some waffers ?" i asked hoping he would allow me.

He nodded nd added," Don't get outside of the store and call us if u need something." i nodded then went to waffers section.

I was just looking over the shelves when a lady came and said," Hey little one want something ?" i looked on her and she was looking friendly so i replied," No, just looking"

She again spoke up," where r ur parents?" i replied," daddy is in veggie section whereas dada is in laundry one."

She looked shocked and said," U have two dads?" and replied," Yes so what ?"

She grabbed my wrist and said," Let me take u away from them."

Stark terror strikes me and begin to yell for dada and daddy. This grabs everyone else attention and suddendly Daddy came up," Daddy help" i probably yelled having tears in my eyes.

Daddy snached me from her arms and i just hugged him tightly so that she won't ever take me again. Dada also came and yelled," what the hell do u think u were doing to our son?" i just kept on crying and daddy was soothing me.

* Zayn's point of view *

What the hell had just happened this lady dare to took our son, our son!!!

I m just so much angry and yelling upon here when the security guards step in and said," What happened sir?"

I replied," This lady tried to took our son." to which she replied," He can't stay with these gay people."

Before i can even reapond another lady from the crowd said," You can't decide with whom a child can stay. If he is happy with his dads u had no right to take him up. There is nothing wrong in being gay and they can also have a kid if they want."

Oh my god, i just teard up with what she said. The guards then took her away.

Me and Liam went to the kind lady and thanked her to which she replied," Don't thank i just stood for what is right and u little man take care."

We then took everything whatever we needed and then seated in the car. Lou was still up and i just want to ask him something so, i questioned him," Lou did u talked to her ?"

Coz i know only then she was able to recognise the fact that he had gay parents.

He nodded and then begun to look down to which Liam said calmly," Baby we told u that never talk to strangers. What if she had took u away ? What if she did something wrong to u?" He just starred at his lap probably feeling guilty.

" I m sorry." He said and i can tell he was crying.

" its fine but from next time don't talk to strangers. Okay?" He nodded and said," I love u both." to which we cooed and said," We love u too."

To our way to home he fell asleep so we let it be as today a lot has happened happen.

Hey to my readers. Tell me ur views abt this one shots plus share ur view or if u got any prompt then share it. Don't forget to vote....



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