Good news ✔️

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* Third person's pov*

With the going on sound of Liam's alarm makes him to woke up and start his daily routine.

" Hey babe wake up.." Liam cooed in Zayn's ear, make him to wake up. He yawned and sit up on his spot.

He said," Hey, morning love " rubbing his eyes and kissing his husband. " I am going to take shower." Liam said. " I'll go make the breakfast." Zayn said, while getting off from the bed and then headed towards kitchen.

Meanwhile, Liam head towards bathroom to brush his teeths and to take shower. When he was done with his business. He walks down from the stairs and headed towards kitchen for breakfast.

Zayn was cooking as usual, making toast, omlette and roasted bacon for his husband, until the phone's bell rang.

" I'll check it out." Liam said and then picked the phone.

" Yeah..... Uhuhh..... Okay!! When can we come!! I can't wait .... Thank u so much.." He said and then hung up the phone.

Zayn came towards him in order to know what was happening, he saw Liam in tears and Liam rush towards him and bring him into a hug.

Zayn was confused as he don't know what made his husband to do so. Zayn asked him," Hey, what happen why are  you crying??"

" We are r approved Zayn ... We can start the family that we always dreamt of. We can finally adopt. " Liam said, while tears still running down from his face.

The couple was waiting for this moment for a real long time. As adoption is a real patience process.

A year ago, it took a long wait , tears, some breakdowns and many more. The dream was about to come true as now they were approved and they can have adopt a child .

" So, what did they said about adoption ??" Zayn asked trying to calm himself down by wiping his tears.

" They said that they had a 3yrs old kid for us. But we still need to be patient as we still gotta pay a few visits at the orphanage and then, a visit that will be made by officials to our house, in order to make sure that this is safe from him. After all this we can bring him home. " Liam explained to Zayn and through Zayn's expression  it can be seen that he was getting excited and was getting impatient.

" So whats his name??" Zayn asked curiously.

" Well for that they said they are gonna mail us his name with few information of his. " Liam said.

" And yeah, brace yourself as tomorrow we are going to pay a visit to the orphanage.." Liam said with a wide grin on his face.

The couple was curiously waiting for the mail .. Finally, their patience pays off as the phone beeped.

" Liam hurry up!!" Zayn exclaimed.
Liam unlock his phone and check his mails.

" His name is Louis. Look how adorable he is." Liam said and showed the picture to his husband.

" Yeah he is so adorable, i mean look at his sea green eyes." Zayn said with tears of happiness in his eyes. Liam rubbed his back in ordet to calm him down.

" We have come this far, we have to wait for a bit more and then our baby will be with us. Omg!! I just can't believe this that soon we'll be parents." Liam said happily and Zayn chuckled.

" Lets go to the supermart. We can't go empty handed at the orphanage, lets get some presents for him. Perhaps,  the authorities told me that we can get something for him. "  Liam suggested and Liam then went upstairs to get dressed for shopping, Zayn also followed him.

When they both got ready, Liam took the car keys and headed towards his car. Liam jump towards to the driving seat and Zayn on the passenger one.

" So, what  are we going to buy for him?? Any siggestions" Liam asked.

" Lets get to the mart and see what is best for him.." Zayn said. The driver towards the mart was silent because both the husbands were trying to hide their excitement.

They parked their car and then head towards the market. They get to the children section, where the first thing they saw was a stuffed animal.

" Hey Li, what do you think about that small lion ?" Zayn said, pointed at the direction.

" Yeah, that will be great." Liam said. That was actually adorable. Liam knew that his husband's choice was always the best.

They both were just curiously looking for another best gift for their soon to be son, then Liam noticed a really cute blanket, blue in colour and characters of Toy Story were printed on it. He grabbed it and then begin to look for Zayn.

Well you can say since Liam personally loved you story, that blanket attracted him the most.

" Hey, Zayn look. What do you think??" Liam asked showing him the blanket. Zayn took it in his hands.

" Thats really great." He replied while touching that soft blanket.

They both then paid for the stuff and head back towards home.

Its been past 7 since all this and now that was time for the dinner. Zayn get into the kitchen and begin to cook when Liam headed towards his room to wear his pyjamas.

They both ate meat loaf in their dinner and then got to bed.

" I can't wait for 1pm.." Zayn said as their appointment was fixed on 1pm.

" Neither can i.." Liam said, bring his husband closed and begin to cuddle with him.

Then they finally went to sleep. The dreams of their son having with them popped in their head during their sleep.  They enjoyed it.

I hope you enjoyed reading.  This is my very first fan fiction. It would be really great if you drop your comments.


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