Cuddle day..

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* Zayn's point of view *

Since, last night was quite hectic, i decided to sleep till noon. I felt someone was poking my cheeks and i was hearing small giggles and i knew who he was so, i just pretended to be sleeping when he next time tried to poke my cheeks, i jump off to scare him but that went wrong.

He felt down on his bum and begin to cry, inside i was scolding myself that why did i reacted in that way.

" Hey, shhh dada is sorry baby." i cooed, while picked him up and placed him on my hip. He just pushed his face into my shoulder.

" Dada is so sorry baby." i once again tried to calm him down. He made his head and then looked at me with glassy eyes and made grabby hands.

I put him on my lap and cuddled him for a big when i said," Lets go nd see what daddy is doing, yeah?" he nodded slowly.

I took him into the kitchen where Liam was probably making scrambled eggs with toasts.

" Daddy....." Lou whinned reaching for Liam so i hand him over to Liam. I sat on my chair while Liam probably giving me breakfast with one hand while in other carrying lou. Then he put him on his booster chair.

we ate breakfast in peace till Liam begin," Hey, what about having a movie marathon today ??" he questions looking at me for approval and i replied," If our little bear wants so." and then i tickled his belly and he let out adorable giggles.

" I must take it as a yes." Liam said while getting up from his chair with his plate in his hands.

We both followed him and after putting our plates in the sink. Liam took Lou on his hip and then turn towards me.

" Hon, please do the dishes meanwhile i m going to give this little bear a bath." he said and then head upstairs.

I rolled my eyes but i have to do it anyway so, i begin doing it.

After i was done, i went to check on them. Liam was sitting on the closed lid toilet while lou was having fun with his some bath toys.

" Isn't someone looking to cute today ?." i said as lou was probably making sounds from his mouth while playing with his boat. Adorable isn't it, he gave me a shy smile.

I sit on Liam's lap while lou playing after some minutes i took him out of the bath tub while Li went for a towel.

He wrap him into it and after it he took him into his room while i went downstairs to his room.

While i was watching tv, i feel some taps on my thighs and when i looked down, i saw lou standing with his arms up and he begin," Cuddle, please?" When he said it, i can't tell u how adorable was that. I place him on my lap and then begin to cuddle.

After some minutes, Liam walked in and said," Hey, someone forget me " he said with a pout. Then i said," Here take him while i put the movie on." i passed lou onto him and then we begin the marathon.

We begin with Finding nemo, the lion king and then toy story. Lou sat on liam's lap with head resting on liam's chest and liam was laying his head on my shoulder.

That was my most memorable moment of life. God, i love my family.

A/N:- Sorry for a late update but i will try my best to publish new chapter soon.

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