Percy's 8 POV

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I was pissed. Not only did the people I'm trying to save go behind my back, but they had to get Dick and everyone else I cared about into it. It was a good thing I was fighting monsters right now. Otherwise, there would be someone strangled demigods right now.  And I'm not going to lie, the Battle didn't look good.  We were all trying our best, but it wasn't enough.  Even with the team, there was too many wounded, too many dead.  Blood, sweat, and tears, the saying couldn't be anymore perfect.  We had already killed a little less than half of the army, but I don't know how long we can keep this up.  Without a solid plan, and running low on medical, the odds weren't looking too great.  I could only glance out of the corner of my eyes as demigod by demigod or legacy fell.  Whether it was stakes through the heart, or from a ripped off head, it was bloody.  And with each injury, each death, it felt like I was holding the world again.  But this feeling was worse because I knew I would never see any of them again until I die.  What's worse is that as young as 9 were fighting in this war.  9 YEAR OLDS.  Not even in junior high yet!!!!!!  It wasn't fair for any of us to be fighting.  Well except for Apollo who let this happen in the first place!  It made me want to scream and kill monsters all over again.  But even I was running though on adrenaline.  We'd been fighting for much too long.  And if you weren't dead or fatally injured, you were fighting until you were.  Yet, during all of this, my mind drifted off to the team.  Majority of them were on rescue control or last defense.  But they had no idea what they were up against.  Thus causing them to be beat up even faster than we were being.
"ROCKET!" Zatanna screamed.
I kept on fighting.
"ROY LOOK OUT!" Wally warned.
I still fought.
"NIGHTWING!" Yelled Connor.
I froze in terror. No. Dick. No! My moment of terror was enough time for a monster to get a clear shot at my heart. Closing my eyes, I stood still - knowing there was nothing I could do. I waited solemnly for the pain to come. But it never did. I opened my eyes. Before me stood a gasping impaled Dakota.
"G.....Go........W....Wi.....Win" Dakota whispered using his last breath.
I was saddened, then angry. Dakota, as much as a Kool-Aid addict as he could be, did nothing wrong. His death fueled my movements. Everything and everyone became a blur. And I really became a weapon. I killed left and right - never not looking back. I used anything I could to defeat them. I was like a tornado. Flurries of movement whizzed around me. It was too easy. 3 immortal emperors since the time of the Romans. This isn't it. My eyes widened. It all made perfect sense. These people were smart. I knew what they were planning. Flipping from the chest of a cyclops, I did a 180 back to the Big House in Camp.  I ran past the ruins of our cabins, and jumped over the bodies of the deceased.  I had to get there in time.  Not only was it our makeshift hospital, but also our weapon storage.  It also happened to have a whole hoarde of explosions beneath.  Just as I was less that 6 steps to the porch, everything was blown into the opposite direction.  Heat, fire, and remains blew in every direction.  I flew onto Dick, effectively knocking us both to the ground.  I was able to recover pretty fast, with my ears ringing slightly.  There was no time to waste.  I just started fighting again.  We had just been blown a huge loss.  But there was no time to dwell on it.  So I used it to my advantage as the monsters used the explosion as a clear shot to kill more campers.  I had to reduce the deaths as much as I could.  With every blow, I thought of someone lost.  A slash for Will.  Stab for Malcolm.  Icicle for Dakota.  A kill for Nico, along with all the other losses.  Throughout the years, I had lost too much.  Yet, I somehow managed to make good of that.  I wasn't going to let it go to waste.  I spotted Caligula at the end of the army.  It was time to end this.  In another burst of energy, I fought like a manic with 4 coffees and 20 energy drinks to get to him.  But when I got there, I ended up in a face off against Medea.
"Do you think you could kill me little demigod?" She asked.
"Yep," I said - killing her before she could say another word.  I didn't have time for this.  Where was Caesar?  Soon I found my answer.  He came riding up behind me - slashing like a demon.  I deflected blow by blow.
"Surprised you're doing this well.  I killed your friend on the what, 6th or 7th strike?  What was his name?  Jason was it?" He prodded me.
And it worked.  He killed Jason!  I started fighting harder - and getting sloppy.  I had used to much energy.  We got to a point where he was going to kill me.
"Have fun in the afterlife he said." He said.
In one swift movement, he plunged it into a heart.  Not mine.  It was Dick's.  He had jumped in front of me before Caligula could get to me.
"NOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed.
I dropped my sword and held Dick close to my body.
"Well I guess you won't be joining Jason after all." He said. 
He just stood there, watching as Dick lay dying my my arms.  I glared at him menacingly.
"P...Percy." Dick whispered.
I looked down at Dick.  He was bruised and bloody.  It was all my fault.  Crying, I waited for him to say something.
"" Dick whispered.
"I love you too." I said shakily.
Dick smirked, exhaling for the last time.  His limbs became stiff.  And his pulse stopped.  He was gone.  Then all my emotions unraveled.
I glared once again to the murder before me.
"You will pay." I said quietly.
I felt that gut feeling again.  But this time, I just let it all out.  Everything.  Holding nothing back.
Hey guys!  I promise I'll update this weekend or sooner if I can.  This is going to be pretty epic!  So until then!

Old Wounds: Fem Percy x Nightwing FanficWhere stories live. Discover now