Dick's 2 POV continued

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Just for some background information, this happens in season two. And it's the episode where Miss Martian brain-broke Kaldur. So yeah. Plz enjoy!

After briefing, the team splits into two groups. One will infiltrate from the inside, and the rest with break in from the outside. Not exacting comforting to know that we're about to break into an alien spacecraft, which is experimenting on humans, and others. Just like in the movies. But hey, I've seen weirder.  Anyway, while Red Robin, Batgirl, and Bumblee sneak in with the kidnapped teens, everyone else stays in the bio-ship - awaiting for action. Now we just wait. Though, it would be nicer if the mind-link was quieter.

The upcoming writing in italics is the mind-link conversation(s).

Bumblebee:It smells like rotten cheese. Have you ever heard of a shower Robin?

Red Robin:Hey! I do not! And the names' RED Robin. Robin Robin is a nightmare.

Batgirl:Guys! Shouldn't we be focusing on the mission!

Superboy:I don't know, but maybe Megan should take that advice.

Miss Martian:Excuse me! But the information I gathered has saved lives! And we wouldn't even be here if I hadn't!

Nightwing:Guys! It's almost time! And Batgirl's right. We should be focusing more on the mission.

Batgirl:We await your signal.

Wondergirl:Yeah! Time for some action! Finally!

Bumblebee:Time to rock and roll!

Arsenal:You guys are pathetic.  Don't you ever shut up?

Nightwing:Quiet down! We're going in.

The mind-link quieted. Everyone was ready for action. It was time.

The bio-ship crashed into the loading bay. It's doors were open - ready to hold the meta-teens. Nightwing and the rest of the heroes that were on the bio-ship (excluding Miss Martian) stayed in the loading bay. The alarms starting sound. It was a little too late. By now, Batgirl, Red Robin, and Bumblebee had already started freeing the prisoners. They came sprinting into the hangar. Their expressions were ones of pure relief and absolute fear. It was quite funny really.  Then, I saw why they were afraid.

"Black Beetle. Thought you were guarding the War World. I'm surprised the Reach would leave it so vastly unguarded." I mocked.

"Flattery is underrated. It is time to die meat." Black Beetle retarded.

His left arm turned into a proton blaster, whilst his right turned into a blade. Superboy lunged at Black beetle before he got a chance to strike. Everyone else besides Arsenal rushed at him. He smirked. Uh oh. His blade or hand hit the wall. Closing the doors to the rest of the ship, and the opening of the bio-ship. We were closed in.

I punched the closed doors. Our teammates were still in there.

"What do we do now?" A teen girl asked.

"We wait and hope they can survive." Arsenal responded - his voice deadly calm.

"We can't just let them die. Black Beetle is too powerful. They'll need backup." I argued.

Arsenal, or rather Roy scoffed.

"Well THEY can take care of themselves. Isn't that what you trained them for Nightwing? They've got to learn sometime that this world is cruel. It's not a perfect world where good always wins and then everyone can party."

I looked at him. He wasn't the Roy Harper I knew. But he was the original. I had to give him a chance, even if he is cold-hearted. More so than even Killer Frost herself. Okay, that's a lie. No, he's more like Batman.  Anyway, I hear the cries of my teammate through the mind-link. I tell them to hold on, and that we're trying to find a way to get them out. Suddenly the mind-link is cut off.  I start to panic. That means that Miss Martian has gone done - one of our heavy hitters. I shudder. I'm afraid to see what happens next. Then miraculously, the bay doors open.  And my eyes widen at the sight in front of me.  But I waste no time retrieving my defeated teammates, and other civilians, and taking them to the bio-ship. I pay little attention to Blue and Black Beetle fighting. But I start to pay more attention when the hanger starts to flood with water. I yell and Blue Beetle to get out of there. We have to get out before the hanger is completely filled with water. But Blue Beetle pays me no mind. His eyes are glazed over. It's like he's not even in control.

"Nightwing, we need to go now!" Batgirl says.

I look back at the scene. I hope Blue can make it out.

"Okay" I respond.

The bio-ship doors start to close. But before they do, I saw a girl figure lunge herself at Blue, and dive into the hole in which the water was coming from. All the gears in my head just stop. The only sound I noticed was that of my own heartbeat. No. It couldn't be. But it had to. She was older, tanner, more muscular. But still the same. And she was in danger. Oh Percy. What have you gotten yourself into now?

Dun Dun Dun! Cliffhanger! But I promise I'll update later. For now, stay on the good side!

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