Thaila's POV

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Percy seemed very serious in the war room, for once. She looked angry and so I can't blame her. We basically kicked her out. Then she found people who cared for her. Then we kidnap her so she could help us in the war. Who wouldn't get mad? Yet, she was putting on a pretty good show. I recognized the same leadership skills she used in the Battle of Manhattan. Besides me, no one else recognized it except for Chiron, Anthony, Reyna, and Nico. So we're basically doomed. But we'll fight anyway since hey, we don't get happy endings anyway: Me, the daughter of Zeus - turned pine tree - hunter of Artemis - closest friend, stabbed dead. Percy, daughter of Posiden - Hero of Olympus - Banished - Cheated on - Heartbroken. Nico, son of Hades - Mother and Sister dead - survived Tartarus - taken out of time. I could continue, but I'm not. Demigods don't get happy endings. They get hardship, accomplishments, and death. Yep. That's life for ya. Ack ADHD. Back on topic. The room started to get very loud. Everyone was debating the best approach to attack the three emperors. Oh, and by debating, I mean screaming out what they think.
"We should attack straight on and bust their heads open!" Yelled Clarisse.
"Nah, that's too direct. We should use explosives to blow up their army and ships, then attack!" Said Travis excitedly.
"YES! I could make these Uber cool Greek Fire........."
"No. We can't communicate, and codes would be too obvious. We have to be smarter." Anthony interrupted Leo.
"As much as I hate to admit, he's got a point. New Rome has already been attacked. And they barely survived. Our camp is even smaller. We have to find another way." Suggested Nico.
Voices screamed out responses. It sounded worse the fields of punishment.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Demanded Percy.
Her aura flowed with powerful. It was overwhelming. It was like we were in the presence of a major god. And it was slightly terrifying. Percy's eyes had gone hard, and I could almost sense that one sound would cause everything with water to be pulverized. It was frightening, but it worked. Everyone shut up. No one wanted to be the one that made Percy........well let's just say MUCH too angry.
"We have no communication. We don't have to numbers. Or the gods. Or back-up. But we have each other. We've faced worst odds. And now the freedom of the world rests on us again. We won't be known to the world. We're not going to be worshipped like gods. But demigods everywhere will know. New Rome fell. But you know what I think? They fell not because they weren't a unit, but because relied too much on structure. They don't have to fight as much for survival everyday. Thats our biggest advantage and regret. Demigods don't get happy endings. We're the people in the shadows who do majority of the work. But screw that. We have faced mighter opponents. And if we die, we die. If we win, we win. But if we lose, it won't just be us who lose. So we're going to fight for those who can't. For all the children and adults in the world that deserve to live happily. For the future and the past. For the people and ourselves. We're going to win this war! But we won't do it on an empty stomach. So let's take a break everyone. Then we'll continue this tomorrow." Percy said.
The effects were immediate. Everyone looked inspired and prepared to fight. They all looked at Percy with awe and trust. I couldn't help doing the same. Percy really knew how to work a crowd. Then Percy stomach growled, and everyone burst out laughing. Good ole Kelp Head.
It's past curfew, but I feel the need to wander. Deciding last minute, I head to Zeus' fist. But when I get there, I see Percy looking up at the stars. It seemed a private moment. Suddenly I felt bad for barging. I was about to turn around when Percy invited me to watch the stars with her. I shrugged. Why not?
I laid down next to her - spotting Zoe's constellation right off the bat.
"I miss her." I said.
"Me too." Percy said - still looking up.
"How do you do it? Pretend that you're okay and strong?" I asked.
Percy shrugged. I sighed. Didn't look like I was going to get any answers. I started to get up.
"I miss them. The people we've lost. And if I don't act strong for those who are still here, who will? Who can?" Percy said.
I stopped in my tracks. I knew she had a lot of pressure, but I just didn't realize how deep that went.
"I'm a weapon Pinecone Face. A deadly one. Don't let my fate become yours. Be happy while you can. Don't take it all for granted." She continued.
I stood up with my back to her.
"We're going to lose this war aren't we?" I asked.
She took a moment to answer.
"Maybe. Maybe not. The future isn't set in stone. And even the fates can't take that away from us." She responded.
I walked off back towards my cabin. I got my answer now. The answer I've been secretly asking myself since the moment I heard we needed Percy. She was prepared to die if that meant saving everyone. That meant she had some idiotic reckless plan that's probably gonna get her killed. But lucky for her, her plans almost always work. Maybe not the way she expects though.
Hey guys. I'll write again next weekend but this is that for now. I hope you like it. And as you can probably tell, its going to get really good soon. So stay tuned. Also, thank you to everyone who's been supporting me and this story. Also, a special thanks to anyone who commented. The comments are really nice to receive and also show that you guys really like the story. So until next time!

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