Leo's POV

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I wanted to face plant. Not like a normal face plant, like an epic Mc. Schizzle face plant. Me and Sunshine have been trailing this bird-brained eagle for weeks. Its lead us to some bizarre places. Cough*secret ice fortress*cough. Anyway, now we're in a dank city, eating Acto Ebll Taco Bell by lamp-light. Probably in one of the top 20 best Demi-god food places. Along with CmOdnlsad McDonalds, Ni Dna Uto In and Out, and Lra'sc Rj. Carl's Jr. I ate like a dog. Cuz I was a dog - a Hot dog. I don't know what to put for Leo. Then BAM! The apartment building Birdy Brody was circling went KA-BOOM. Sunshine and I glanced at each other. There was only three things that could be. A crazy murder clown. Cough*Joker*Cough. A really really mad Nikkai. Or a Percy. Probably Percy. A REALLY mad Percy. So me and Sunshine burst out the door FBI style and ran straight towards the building. Pieces of rock crumbled. And fire reigned supreme. SUPER MC SCHIZZLE!!!!! Fire. It couldn't get any better. So me and Sunshine ran up a couple flights. We thought, "Hey we're here anyway, might as well save some Mortal's butt." We probably reach the 17 floor when this guy in spandex had Percy on his shoulder. He looked torn. Like trying to chose between a Frozie and one of Percy's blue cookies. An impossible choice. So being the good people we are, we offer to get unconscious Percy out of the burning building. He hands us her and runs out. I also fall down laughing. That was probably the easiest kidnapping in history. And Percy isn't even awake!!!! So no of her "I'm gonna punch you Valdez!" or "BLUE FOOD!" Yep, the good ole days. Anyway, we get Percy out, I call Ms. O'Leary, and we're out of there. Me and Sunshine hold on to Percy in the Vortex of souls dat weren't good enough to make it even to the underworld. That's not actually true. I don't know what it is. Well we come out of the shadow and land in the middle of breakfast. "PERCY!!!!" basically ALL of Camp-Half-Blood yells. I hold my heart. Oh it hurts! They love Percy more than muh???!!!!!! Sunshine rolls her eyes. Then she kisses me on the cheek. At least she tried. Ms. O'Leary, caught up in the excitement, bucked me, Sunshine, and Kelp Head off. Sunshine and I landed on the ground. But Percy flew into the Stolls - knocking them both down. It was hilarious! I wish I couldn't taken a pic. I snort. But sunshine elbows me in the stomach. I look at her. Her brow is creased. I'm really confuzzled. What does she got to be worried about? She shoved the crowd of people away from Percy. And she drags me too. She starts doing all this medical processes on her. She only gets more and more worried. The campers caught onto this too. Their conversations had died down to whispers. "What's wrong Sunshine?" I asked.
"I.....I.....I think Percy is in a coma." She said.
Then silence. Everyone went silent. We had gotten our Seaweed Brain back. But, she was out of commission. Suddenly, a loud wave sound rings. Posiden, Chiron, Anthony, And Reyna runs up to ya. The crowd parts for them. Once she's in his view, Posiden teleports to his daughter's side. Chiron waits respectfully behind. He looked calm, but his face was a mix of mad, sad, torn, and concerned. Reyna and Anthony went to Percy's free side. Reyna gasping when she saw Percy. And Anthony. He looked like someone killed his puppy.
"What happened to her?" Reyna asked the million-dollar question.
I shrugged. Sunshine facepalmed and started explaining.
"We don't know. When we found her, she was in a burning building. At first I though she was just unconscious Because of all the smoke. But she didn't wake up even after we got her. So I checked her vitals, and I think she might be in....in and coma."
Calypso's voice died down to a whisper. Posiden looked furious, worried, and pained. Especially pained. Turning back to his daughter, he puts his hand on her head. It's like 2 seconds when he retracts it.
"I......I......can't heal her. SHE should've healed?????!!!!!!! ZEUS!!!!!!!! MY DAUGHTER IS IN A COMA!!!!!! OUR ONE HOPE IS IN A COMA I CAN'T WAKE HER UP FROM BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!!" He screamed at the sky in agony.
Everyone was shocked, and horrified. Who, what could've done this to Percy???!!!!. Calypso starting crying into my chest. I hugged her. Reyna and Anthony did the same. Anthony balling the most. Out of all of us, Percy was probably the closest to Anthony. And now, especially now, that was quite a blow. In a flash, all the main Olympians plus Frank, Hazel, Piper, and Jason appeared. They were all immediately saddened by Percy. Apollo shoved past them. He tried, and failed to wake her.
"Wh......What's wrong with her?" Hazel asked.
Tears streamed heavily down her face. Percy means a lot to her. She means a lot to all of us.
"She isn't dead. But she's in a coma. And I can't wake her. But there might be a way..........." Apollo said.
Everyone's attention was on him. Urging him to continue. This next part is completely made up.
"Well. If we can get someone close to her, someone she trusts to go into her mind. They might be able to get her to wake up."
We all brightened at that solution. Then sulked when we realized she probably didn't trust any of us anymore.
"Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go find the dummy that Prissy trusts the most." Clarisse surprisingly said. Many nodded. I sighed. Another quest already?! When do they end. Sunshine patted my shoulder.
Hey guys. There's another chapter. I might write again later, tomorrow, or next weekend, but most likely later or tomorrow. And stay tuned for the next chapter. I'm really excited about these next parts. It's going to be really good. And I'm sorry I couldn't do Leo that well and that Dick's POV's aren't really that attuned to his character but I'm trying. Anyway, till next time!

Old Wounds: Fem Percy x Nightwing FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora