Bruce's POV

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Once Tim and Barabara had finished their explanation of the weird girl, I got very suspicious. If this was someone Dick knew, she's either a good friend, or a dangerous enemy.  I decided to look into her. From Blue Beetle's description, she had midnight black hair, shocking sea-green eyes, and has water powers. It was frustrating to have such little intel on anyone. Seeing no other option without having a name, I questioned More like interrogated those of the team who saw her. Excluding Dick of course. He was already mad at me as it is. From what I heard, this didn't seem like her first encounter with the Reach. She was experienced. And pretty bold by the sounds of it.  Still, I didn't have much of a lead of who she was. It wasn't until the team came back from another mission that Nightwing kept thinking about someone named Percy. With that name, I was able to run a program to find identify match. Unfortunately, I had to wait until morning for a match. In the meantime, I have to figure out what to do Damien. He snuck out. Again. There is no telling what the kid will do. He was raised by the League of Shadows afterall. Sighing, I went upstairs - curious to what tomorrow will bring.


Reluctantly, I accepted a cup of coffee from Alfred, and headed down towards the Batcave. It seemed like a normal day. Some robberies and attempted breakouts last night. Nothing to serious. The Reach was a thorn in my side though. I frowned. Kidnapping teens off the street for genetic experimentation - that's about as bad as it gets. But why partner with the Light? What's their ulterior motive? And what do they want with Earth. I just want them gone. And Damien. He's getting more and more difficult by the hour. I see now why Dick calls him demon spawn. I take a huge sip of coffee. I really need to wake up and focus. Slightly re-energized, I turn on the computer. I do a spit-take with my coffee. It can't be true. My daughter is ALIVE??!! It doesn't make any sense! And when does she have water powers??!! I'm utterly bewildered. Until I come to a reasonable conclusion. If the Reach kidnapped her, how long has she been in their clutches? The coffee mug shattered in my hands. The Reach kidnapped my daughter! Granted she was actually my deceased sister's daughter, but still! I need to stop them, whatever it takes. Then a realization crossed my mind. How am I going to find her? And why didn't Dick tell me? Dick and I weren't in a good relationship right now, but Percy means a lot to both of us. It makes no sense. But I intend to find out. 

Hey guys! I might write another chapter after this. But I want to give a special shoutout to bookmeg8 and sweetcheekscutiepie for their support. Also a special thanks to anyone that added my story to their reading list(s). Thank you all so much! I promise to update soon!  Also sorry this is a short chapter.

Old Wounds: Fem Percy x Nightwing FanficWhere stories live. Discover now