Damian's POV

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Hey Guys, I decided to give it a try.  So plz tell me in the comments section how you like it.

The new girl was suspicious.  Once I'd heard the name.  I hacked into her file before she'd even arrived at school.  A possible terrorist, blown up a school music room, and was there when the St. Louis Arch exploded, I'm pretty sure you guys know the rest.  She was most likely a meta - and a dangerous one at that.  I decided to keep an eye on her.  It could be possible that she's working with the league of shadows.  Either that, or she's a complete imbecile, oblivious to her powers.  The latter seemed more plausible.  However, my suspicions heightened when a flash of recognition crossed her face once she saw me.  The most reasonable theories; she recognized me as the ward of Bruce Wayne, or she works with the shadows.  I followed her into English class.  I analyzed her.  She didn't seem like a threat at first glance.  But her posture and constant movement suggested otherwise.  She was always doing something.  Whether it was twirling a pen around, or tapping her foot.  These actions propose she suffers from ADHD.  That seemed normal enough.  She acted relaxed, but she looked ready to strike at anytime.  She was experienced.  A threat.  I calculated the odds.  She wasn't attacking, or hiding.    But she recognized me.  I might be a target.  But until I could corner her, I would have to lay low for now.  I would follow her, see what she wants.  If not to kill or abduct me, maybe she's after another.  My eyes narrowed.  She seemed to sense it.  I just tipped her off.  What a rookie mistake.  Grayson is rubbing off on me.


I followed her through a zigzag of streets.  She was heading toward an apartment building.  Suddenly, she disappeared around a corner.  I quickened me pace.  My hand rested on the hilt of my hidden blade.  I decided to rush her - surprise her and take her down.  I walked into a dark alley.  There was no evidence that she was even here, except for the pen she distractedly fiddled with in class.  I quickly pocketed it for further research.  In the meantime, I was required at the manor.  Another unnecessary apology dinner between Father and Grayson.  How they haven't killed each other yet is beyond me.  Okay, I know it isn't perfect, and that Damian had no sense of humor whatsoever.  But, I had to add that last line, and I know that this chapter is really short.  I promise I'll update later tonight.  Also, Damian's character is hard to do, I hope you liked it though.  So plz like this story and tell me what you think in the comments section below.  Also, sorry for the cliffhanger!  I'll be back later!

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