-why?-he went silence for awhile then he spoke

Taehyung:"You are still not going to tell me the reason?"he asked looking at me now

I stayed quiet and bit my lips

-should i or not?-

Taehyung:"Hmm"he just hummed and looked away."What about our mom's now?"

Me:"I-I don't know"i said and looked away

Taehyung:"You are b-"before he can say he was cut off by sudden door opening

Aunty:"Awww~look Minji how close they are sitting"she said nudging my mom we both widen our eyes and and stood up from bed and suddenly my face heated

Taehyung:"Mom stop it now"he said shaking his head

Mom:"i know, now i can't wait when i will be hearing that Taehyungie proposed my Hana"she said dramatically wiping her tears which wasn't even there

Taehyung:"Thats ridiculous, it aint happening aish"he mumbled to himself which was loud enough for me to hear and to shatter my heart into million pieces. I looked at him with so much hurt eyes.

I really got hurt hearing this.How can he say like this?. He said like he don't care of anything. ofcourse he won't how will he? when he don't even know i love him. I bit my lips,my tears wanted to come out but i hold it in.

Me:"M-Mom lets go h-home, i-i have homework to d-do"i said stuttering badly my voice cracked at the end but Thankfully they didn't notice.

Mom:"Uh yeah its late already we should go now"she said eyeing the clock.

Aunty:"Aish but come again okay, or i will hehe"she said chuckling along with mom

Taehyung:"See you tomorrow Hana"he said smiling and hugged me suddenly i got shocked by  his sudden move.my hands just couldn't move so i can wrap my arms around him too.i just wasnt feeling good. I was just so mad at myself. So i just simply nodded on his chest shutting mu eyes closed tightly, i was controlling my tears so it won't come out.

After that we bade goodbyes to each other and left.

At home:

Mom:"Hana my sweetie im so happy for you"she said hugging me suddenly as we entered the house. She is saying the same thing in our ride too. Thats she is so happy. And now again.

Me:"I-I know, i will go n-now... Good n-night Mom" i said without hugging her back and hurriedly ran to my room and throw myself on bed.

Now i couldnt control my emotions and let me tears slip from my eyes. And cried my heart out.
Everything is a mess. Im mad at myself why i fell for Taehyung. He wont return my feelings. He dont see me other than a friend. Only if i didn't asked him to be friends with me. I wouldn't fall for him.Only if jimin didn't ask me to be his girlfriend.

Now im all hurt. Im scared what if Mom came to know it was just a lie and we are not in relationship. That smile i saw today on her face will fade away from her face which is the last thing i want.

Taehyung's words are ringing in my mind again and again "Thats ridiculous, it aint happening"
Tears spilled from from my eyes like a waterfall

I was so happy to know that he trust me and we are again talking, i wasnt annoyed what aunty and my mom was saying there instead i was feeling butterflies in my stomach hearing and thinking like that with Taehyung. i thought  i-i will have a chance but no it all crushed in just one go.

Now the only way not to get more stronger feelings for him is to just try to ignore him and not talk with him that much just a little bit so no one can get suspicious or him on us. But i know its too hard.

Other thing i want is to talk with Jimin tomorrow.
I want to know why he told Aunty about us.

I cried all night thinking again and again about this i also couldn't concentrate on my exam preparation. And i don't know when i slept.

Next day:

Hana POV:

I'm sitting here in piano class playing the keys of paino. I come here when i want to be alone. But today im feeling so down too.

Today Taehyung talked with me. I would be so happy if he hadn't say that yesterday night. Because now i know its hard for me to ignore him when is talking with me. It hurts

I was playing piano when suddenly someone cleared throat i turned behind and saw Suga standing there.

Suga:"Why so sad?"he asked sitting on other piano seat while setting the bag

Me:"Im n-not sad"i said eyeing keys

Suga:"You know i know you Hana, the music you are playing is a sad one so that means you are sad"he exclaimed crossing his arms on chest raising one eyebrow

I pouted sadly and he chuckled. He knows me. Because he helps me too much with piano learning and other things. In class he seems a boring person bit believe me he is too sweet just like a sugar.

Me:"I can't understand these few notes, help me"i said and he rolled his eyes

Suga:"You are bad at lying you know that right?"he asked standing up shaking his head coming to sit beside me.

Me:"I'm not lying"i said pouting

Suga:"Yeah you are not"he said

After that he helped me with learning with some new music notes which was hard for me to get but he was good in making me understand everything so i learned. He didn't forget to make me laugh and we talked for a whole period and for some time i forget about those things.

Third POV:

While Hana and Suga were talking. They didnt notice that someone was watching them with a hurt expression. Well we can say jealous heart....?.

Im so sorry for a late update, im just so busy in school.And sorry as its not a long chapter like before.
Thank you for reading and waiting
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