Chapter 33- This Can't Be Happening

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Beau’s P.O.V

 I stared up at Maureen in confusion. “Why am I laying down and why are you staring at me?” I inquired, totally dumfounded.

“You don’t remember?” Rose asked from her chair.

I shook my head. “I came back from the café and you were unconscious and naked.” Rose replied. I quickly scanned my body to make sure I wasn’t naked. I was relieved when I saw the dreaded hospital gown back on my body. How the heck has they got me in clothes?

I blushed a little at her words.

I know she was my twin, but it didn’t mean I felt any better about her seeing me naked. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was when we were four but things had changed since then. Lots of things.

“What was wrong with me?”

Maureen sighed, “We aren’t allowed to take a blood sample from you, unless you’re conscious. We can do one now if you want.” She suggested.

I nodded hastily, needing to know why I fell unconscious. I still didn’t really remember what happened. I only remember reaching over to get my glass of water.

“Can you do the blood test?”

Maureen nodded as she wondered over the cabinet and withdrew a needle. I swallowed. I hated needles. Always had done, and always will do. 

I had some bad experiences with them in the past. When I was eight, I had to get my tetanus jab and the doctor was awful with needles. Therefore, she put it in my arm but pushed too far and it got semi-stuck. That memory has stayed with me all my life.

Rose grabbed my hand and rubbed small circles on the back of my hand. “Try and relax otherwise it’s going to hurt more Beau.” Maureen informed, rubbing a damp cotton ball over the inside of my arm.

My face contorted as the cap was taken off the needle. “There’s going to be a sharp scratch,”

I never understood why they called it a sharp scratch. It didn’t feel like a scratch but like a giant metal rod was being inserted in my arm. The only bit that made it slightly bearable was the thought of the needle actually coming out again.

I moaned as the blood was being drawn out. It seemed like forever before I felt the needle being taken out again.

Once it had, Maureen put another cotton ball over it, fastening it with some white tape. “Drink the orange juice. It will stop you from feeling faint.”

I did as told and started sipping on the carton of juice.

“I’ll leave you then. Call me if you need anything.” Maureen said.

I nodded as she left my room. “Do you want to go for a walk Rose?”

“I’m good, we’ve only just woken.”

I flipped back the thin sheet, so I could get up. I swung my legs over the side of the bed but had to pause as my head swung.

Groaning, I continued to get up. “What’s wrong Beau?” Rose asked, rushing to my side.

I shook my head, swatting her hands away. “Nothing nothing,”

Rose sighed. I lifted myself off the bed and attempted to walk to the bathroom. I hastily latched onto the side as I felt my legs give out beneath me.

“Beau!” Rose shouted, once again trying to aid me. Grabbing my arm, she attempted to push me back on the bed. “You never accept help.” She scolded.

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