Chapter 12- Locked Away Thoughts and Feelings

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Juno's P.O.V

I can't believe I had actually told someone. Only my old school had known but that was a mistake because I always came home with bruises. I had even come home with a broken arm once.

I used to be beaten, just because I was gay. Wherever I went I would shoved to and fro. Or just generally hit or punched. I hadn't told my dad the reason why I came home with all the bruises; I just told him I fell over.

Rose had been too quiet too long. She's the only person I had really opened up too since I moved- I didn't trust anyone else.

"So why did you get with all those girls, and get Emma pregnant?" she asked, with a quizzical look on her face.

I had a feeling this question was coming. Might as well tell her. "Eh, well everyone knew that I was gay at my old school. And I would get frequently get beaten up for it as well." her jaw literally dropped and a small frown tweaked her lips. "But that's how I know Autumn and Ryder. They found me behind class bleeding and with a broken arm."

We sat there in silence for a few moments. My head pounded with all the memories of the day. I was scared and confused as to why people could be so hateful, because someone was different. I shifted uncomfortably on the park bench as the silence was still thick in the air.

Only Autumn and Ryder knew about me being beaten, but didn't know the real reason as to why I was beaten. My dad always thought that my broken arm was me falling over playing football. Or my bruises coming from me walking into things.

Somehow Rose had got me to talk about it. I know its cliché but I felt safe with her. I knew she wouldn't go round telling everyone and she wouldn't judge me either. Her hand squeezed mine again and I looked up to her.

I had always hated pretending that I like girls, just so I wouldn't have a repeat at my school. The fact that I had to keep all those feelings locked away killed me.

"What about Emma?"

"Well, she hated her parents and they were strictly Catholic. The only way she would be able to be move in with her aunty was to get pregnant. Because of her religion her parents wouldn't let her get an abortion so she was kicked out her house and she moved in with her aunty."

"You O.K?" she asked. I nodded not really knowing what else to say. She dropped it which was good; I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with bringing up feelings on the situation yet. "You like anyone at school then, you know like a crush?" she said with a cheeky grin.

I gave her a small smile and an eye roll. "Maybe, maybe not." she pouted and folded her arms over her chest.

"Please, tell me."

She earned another eye roll at how she could be like that. I just dropped a bomb, but I was somewhat relived she wasn't disgusted. "Not saying who."

She pouted and I rolled my eyes. "It's someone in our year, that's all I'm saying." I blushed a little, she poked my ribs playfully; while I squirmed- being a little ticklish.

"Someone's ticklish." she giggled as she spoke. She started to actually tickle me now and I squirmed more.

"Hey no fair! I don't like being tickled."

"If you didn't like it, why are you squirming?" she retorted, trying to keep her face nonchalant.

"Cuz' I'm trying to get away!" I said between a laugh as she tickled my ribs. I ripped myself from her grip and ran in the opposite direction towards the small lake in the corner of the park. I stopped at edge not hearing her footsteps behind me.

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