Chapter 3- New Sides

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Melrose's P.O.V

It was Friday and I still hadn’t talked to Juno again. I hadn’t even seen him around all week. I hope I didn’t upset him, but something told me I did. It was weird not seeing the disgusted looks people shot him.

I hated the fact they did that. I’m sure half the things that went around this school were rumours anyway. Juno obviously didn’t want trouble; otherwise, he would push the rumours in people’s faces.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Brianna clicked her fingers in front of my face. “You O.K? You haven’t listened to a word I said, did you?” She questioned, I shook my head as she gave her ‘annoyed’ look.

“Sorry, just thinking.” I admitted.

I half expected her to ask what about. To my surprise, she didn’t; I was relived, because there’s no way I could tell her about Juno. Too much risk, she could slip up in front of Beau.

She shrugged, “Are you going to listen this time?” She chided. I nodded and she started her story.  We walked towards our homeroom as she told me. Just before we entered the homeroom, she stopped, lifting her head to meet my gaze.

“Well my parents are talking about my mom getting a promotion.” She stopped and looked down briefly before sighing and carrying on.

“So we may be moving and intern away from Colorado. My mum says we will be closer to my brother; but I would rather stay here with you guys,” My head snapped up to hers and her eyes glistened with tears. “I didn’t know how to tell you. Plus were leaving in under a month, if she gets it,”

A moment of silence passed before she decided to break it. “Rose, are you O.K?” I looked at her, my own eyes brimming with tears. I was the person that normally had to leave; roles reversed.

“I’m not sure,” I replied honestly.

How could I lose my best friend? She had been there through the rough times and now I could lose her. I didn’t what to say or think about the whole situation. My mind couldn’t focus properly, so many thoughts rushed through my mind all at once.

“Rose…?” She asked again, “Please don’t hate me.” She looked thoroughly guilty now- for what I didn’t know.

“I don’t hate you.” I whispered and closed my eyes as her words fully sunk in. I heard her feet shuffle and then her arms wrap around me in a tight hug. “We should just tell the others.”

“O.K” She pulled back from the hug and we proceeded into homeroom in silence.


The bell for period one rang and everyone get up and reluctantly walked to their first class. I trudged to my locker and swapped out some books for my English Literature textbook.

I slammed my locker shut and carried on down the hallway. The hallways were unusually quiet today; no annoying freshman’s to shove out of the way.

I remember fearing the seniors now I was the person pushing them out the way.

I yelled when I felt someone latch onto my arm and yank me into a janitor’s closet. I couldn’t make out who it was, or why he or she had pulled me in here in the first place.

The light flickered on and leaning against the wall was Juno. He had one of his feet up against the wall, and arms folded over his chest.

“Juno?” I asked in disbelief. He walked away from the wall and over to the door; standing in front of it to block any of getting out.

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