Chapter 21- I'm Going

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 Melrose’s P.O.V

“Beau,” I whined, tugging on his limp arm. “C’mon get up. I’ve got to get to school early today.”

He groaned and rolled over. “Please?” his eyes snapped shut, trying to avoid my begging eyes. “Well it’s your fault if I fail History.”

“What?” Beau asked, with narrowed eyes.

“I need to hand in an assessment before the first bell.”

Beau started to drag himself out of bed as he spoke. “Rose.” He scolded. He never left a stone un-turned when it came to school. I internally groaned.

I shielded my eyes, as Beau got further out of bed. “Rose? What ya doing?”

“Covering my eyes from my own twins parts.” I told firmly, turning away and walking towards the door.

“Nothing you haven’t seen before.” Beau called out behind me.

I scoffed “Yeah when we were three!”

I heard Beau chuckle as he walked towards the bathroom. I felt so awkward when he just walked around in his boxers. You could see everything in outline and I hated it! It was like me walking around in my bra and pants-, which I wouldn’t do.

“M-morning Rose.” I heard my dad stutter from behind me. I turned on my heel and graced him with a smile.

“Morning dad,”

He smiled back, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. I followed him because I was hungry plus I was already dressed.

“I-I heard you talking Beau.” I froze in the doorway. What if he heard that I could fail History? I mean dad had never really taken an interest in my school life but that may be because he couldn’t speak.

“I was. I had to ask him if he would take me to school earlier.”

My dad sent me a questioning look. “Uh- because I’m… a tutor, yes I’m a tutor.” My dad nodded in approval with a proud smile on his face. “He’s really dumb and needs serious tutoring.”

Obviously, that was a lie. I just couldn’t have my dad knowing. Even if he didn’t say anything, there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t tell my mom or she wouldn’t over hear. Then I would be well and truly stuffed.

Hearing Beau thudding down the stairs, I picked up my backpack. “H-have fun tutoring!” dad called out behind us.

Once we were outside, Beau sent me an incredulous look. “You seriously told dad that you’re tutoring someone.” Beau tsked, “He obviously doesn’t know you well enough.”

I huffed “I could tutor someone if I wanted too.” I retorted.

“Yeah, yeah,”


 “Thanks for the late assignment.” Mrs. Wallis said, grabbing my assignment out of my hands.

Rude much. She could have just waited two more seconds for me to hand it to her. But no; she had to make a point and snatch it out of my hands.

Even though, the assignment was late I was pretty proud of it. The assignment was about the Cold War. I knew it pretty well. My last school covered it all the time I was there. I think the teacher was a little obsessed about it.

All he would talk about was how the American Government would always stick their noses in where it didn’t belong. Which I agreed about.

I was really hoping for an A on it too; otherwise my grade would come out as an overall B. I know that’s good but I needed to keep my grades level with Beau.

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