Chapter 61

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"Archie..." She said with a sigh the moment she saw her cousin standing in front of her.

"Finally." The voice matched his looks.


"Archie! Why are you here?" She asked with an abrupt voice and turned her back on him. She hadn't waited for a response from him. She was in no mood for any of his jokes, innuendos. Certainly she was in no mood for fighting. She had no desire to see anyone at that point.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to see my cousin before I leave for Paris. You were quite the party animal last night..." He said as he followed her.

Of course, since that peculiar morning visit by Christian at his house, he had to check up on her, despite the fake excuse he gave her. The way she let him in her house, fanned his curiosity which overcame his annoyance knocking her door multiple times without a response. He had started to worry even, truth be told. He noticed the way she walked, a tired shuffle rather than actual walking, shoulders hunched...Then she turned.

"You look awful!" He blurted and then regretted this careless, crass reaction of his when he actually noticed her appearance. How did he miss it when she opened the door?

Bloodshot eyes, puffed up...looking haggard and pale, hair a mess. She kept tightening that robe on her body.

"Thank you Archie!" She said back to him, sounding sore. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Now that you checked up on me, you can go if you want." Her green eyes stirred. She stood there, not asking him to sit down, or offering him something.

Despite her lack of welcoming being as clear as the day, it was equally very unexpected and deeply worrying, so much so that guilt washed over him. "Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart!" He rushed to excuse his previous tone. "You just caught me by surprise, that's all. You don't look well Candy."

He kept staring at her. Noticed how her stare was void of light, like a starless sky. How the pretence she tried to keep, even if brief, was melting away like fresh paint under the rain. That rain that made her green gaze sparkle.

"Candy!!" He raised his voice, concerned by how quickly she was unravelling in front of him. He prompted her to sit down and he sat next to her. Watched the silent streams rolling down her cheeks. He gave her his handkerchief.

"What is wrong? Tell me, please! Why the tears?" He asked her after keeping quiet for a while, hesitating to prod, especially when he was privy of some things at least.

Christian's words echoed in his mind from that morning...


"And how do I know, once I've given you this report, that you'll disappear?" Archie asked back.

"Ask Candy when you see her tonight."


It looked like Christian had said the truth. His relationship with Candy had ended. From what he was seeing in front of him, she was really distraught about it. However he decided to let her reveal what she felt like revealing. Pretend he knew nothing of what went on.

The streams turned into rivers. She was in it, washed away by the intensity. What could she say?

Christian left her and she had no idea where he was?

Or that Terry attacked her?

Perhaps that Christian was Terry's twin brother and neither had a clue about it?


she could say nothing.

For the first time in her life, she felt absolutely and completely alone.

Scarlet RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ