Chapter 46

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"Oh that is excellent!" Christian exclaimed. "Thank you very much Terry!"

Terry turned to look at Candy. He could see she wasn't happy with how this conversation was going, the double meanings between them agitated her, but for once he didn't care. It could have been the alcohol they had consumed, the way he was feeling relaxed, or the fact he had been reaching the end of acting as a friend to her. He didn't doubt the fact she was with another man, who wasn't a bad bloke and in many ways Christian reminded himself. He also didn't doubt her feelings towards Christian but he couldn't ignore either the mixed signals he was getting from her.

They had kissed twice and in both times, even if it was him who had made the first move, she had responded. She certainly didn't look happy or being fine when he flirted with Marion. The night he walked her home, she had admitted that things were complicated...She was with Christian, she herself had said that. Wasn't it obvious she was with him? Why did she need to affirm such an obvious fact? He had asked her one question at the theatre backstage and he wasn't going to pressure her to answer. He wasn't going to play the nice guy either though, just to suit herself and her peace of mind.

Archie couldn't have said it better and for once, even if Terry cringed inside, he had to admit that the obnoxious Yank was right. There were three weeks remaining till he was going to board on that ocean liner and travel back to the life he had left in New York. Whatever such life could be.

What was going to be? Give up on her?

Or find out where they stood with each other?

Almost straight away he knew the answer...

"Thank you Terry..." He heard her voice, joining Christian's in thanking him about those tickets.

She knew he was playing with the words, each sentence carefully hiding another conversation that was between them and she knew he was aware his ways were agitating her, keeping her at the edge of her seat but it could have been much worse. He handled her visit to the theatre quite well and for that she hated to admit it but she was grateful.

"It's nothing, Rose." He said with a smile. "It was the least I could do, since you did not manage to sit through the play on Monday." He added with his stare fixed on her.

"I'm glad you are all back to normal Christian!" Marion said. "Rose really wasn't herself with you at the hospital."

Christian turned and looked at her. "I know...she worries too much." It could have been the heat inside the pub, or it could be the lies, the secrets she felt they were stealing the air she breathed, the green waters inside her eyes rippled. She felt her breathing short.

"Oh, please you make me feel uncomfortable." She protested. "I really don't want to think about last weekend...or the première..." She added while avoiding looking towards Terry. "Can we move forward now?"

For a little while the four of them talked about trivial things. How it had been so rare to experience such a warm summer so far. And what parties were there to attend. Marion enthusiastically mentioned Audrey's party that was soon coming up. It was to be the pinnacle of the summer social calendar. The girls had received their invitation already.

"Angels and demons is the theme this year." Marion said with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. She turned to Terry. "I hope you won't mind if I ask you to be my plus one for the party..." She said. She hoped this wasn't too forward of her. Compared with the other times they went out, that particular evening, her behaviour was much more demure and reserved. Although sitting next to him and feeling the aura of his presence just a few centimetres away from her was enough to make her heart race inside her ribcage.

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