Chapter 13

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Tottenham Court Road

La Cumparsita tango club

The place was packed. Archie was looking around, taking the atmosphere in. He hadn't been to a place like this before. The light was soft, diffused by big brass chandeliers and walls of pale terracotta colours in this magnificent, two-tiered dance club. Black marble columns held the upper tier from where a grand curved staircases with gold metal banisters led to the big dance floor. It was full with people having gathered to dance to the songs of Gardel. The impression this place gave to him was only matched by the stream of colourful, daring or flamboyant outfits most of the ladies wore. The men were classically dressed in their tuxedos. But for the seemed to be quite forward on this side of the pond because he had not seen so much flesh in display.

The big group of Candy's friends all sat at a table on the upper floor overlooking the dance floor already being full with couples dancing. They were a high-spirited bunch of people who had put Archie at ease from early on since they met and for that he felt grateful. Gardel had not showed up yet, but the band was playing beautiful music to which Candy and Christian were swirling to its rhythm, holding each other tight.

Archie was staring at them move on the dance floor. He was wondering whether Candy had ever noticed Christian's similarities with Terry. Because for him, from the moment he opened the door of his suite and came face to face with Candy's lover, from the way he moved and talked, his mannerisms...everything were reminding him of Terry. He chose to say nothing to Candy...though it was obvious at least to him that Candy had found herself a Terry lookalike to spend her time with. He was polite, smooth and knew how to hold interest in a conversation. However, he found him annoying...maybe because he could sense too much Terry in him...but it all boiled down to the fact that Christian was behaving in a way that was making clear of how sure he was of himself. Great! Another self arrogant English prick, he thought. Most definitely some things had not changed and Candy's ability to choose annoying boyfriends was one of them.

And he couldn't miss Candy's excitement or her obvious crush with Christian. He knew she kept smiling even when situations would turn dire in her life. Next to Christian though, her face was awash with happiness like the cat who had got the cream and swam in it. He kept trying to spot signs of fake behaviour from Christian's part towards Candy, but he couldn't find anything. Committed or not, those two looked, in all honesty, very much in love. So for now, Archie was happy too with his first impression of Christian, even if he found him a tad annoying. Hell, no one likes everyone they meet and if Candy was happy and Christian treated her right then it wasn't something serious for Archie to be frowning upon.

The song had finished with a loud clapping from the dancing couples and the audience. Candy and Christian came back to the table. She sat next to Archie, patting her forehead, commenting on the music.

"Are you enjoying yourself my dear Archie?", she turned and said to him.

Archie smiled to her, wanting to reassure her he was having a good time.

"Of course I am sweetheart!", he said with enthusiasm back to her.

"Haven't seen you dance yet though...this is unlike you", she said back to him.

"Oh! Not to worry about that! I'm just warming up...and to be honest, I haven't tried dancing the tango many times with Annie, so I'm a little nervous", he said and chuckled.

"Practise makes perfect though...", he heard Christian saying just as he took his seat next to her.

"Indeed it does...", Archie said with a half smile.

Damn English...having an opinion about everything, he thought to himself.

"Nonsense! Archie is a great dancer", she protested to Christian and turned to see her cousin.

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