Chapter 56

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Terry gave one last look at himself in the mirror, having finished tying his bowtie. He looked pretty sharp and the light tan he had achieved by spending his free time at parks close to the theatre, suited him rather well. The summer sunlight was hiding behind his green-blue eyes.

His heart wasn't there though. He had finished from the theatre and he had to pick up Marion from her house. That kiss he had given her unnerved him. More or less, by now, Candy would know and the moment he brought this thought in his mind, he gritted his teeth. On the other hand, he couldn't undo what he had already done. What if he tried to give Marion a chance?

In any case, he had to go the party. There wasn't two ways about it. He had to. He pressed his lips, picked the invitation from the fireplace mantlepiece and put it on his inside pocket. Of course, Archie jumped to the roof when he told him. Such was his surprise that he started swearing. In seconds he pushed the temperature of his blood to skyrocket.

He defended himself. He said something about how many times can he get kicked in the gut by his ex girlfriend. Something like that. He was actually angry with her. He felt strung along. He understood her turmoil but he felt second choice. And Christian had proven to be a bastard. He hoped he wasn't planning anything regarding his father. Another day, another time, he would have called himself paranoid, but in this case, the facts weren't lying. Christian did nothing to persuade him otherwise.

He looked at the bottle of whiskey. He had drunk already a fair bit. Tried to be sober, but it was impossible. Just the thought of seeing her there... How would she react? Probably cool? Perhaps standoffish. She could even ignore him. Just for punishing him for what he done. Not knowing, it killed him. It was time.

Let the dice fall where they may


The ball of the season was underway. There was a steady stream of people entering the mansion. A carnival of colours and sounds filled the rooms. Elation floated almost palpable in the air. People were watching, chatting, drinking, dancing, kissing. The jazz band was on full swing. The lanterns inside the mansion were lit. They gave a soft red glow in the space. Angels and demons dancing side by side. Chiffon wings floating from one room to the other, followed by horns and long tails of red leather.

Rose had the time of the life. Lost in the dancing crowd, she was changing dancing partners with every new song. Getting complimented and courted from every single one. She felt euphoric. She was spinning around the dance floor with Nicholas, her latest partner, when she thought she had spotted Archie in the crowd entering the room. She stopped and excused herself to Nicholas who looked puzzled. He smiled politely and let her go.

Was it a cocaine hallucination?

Surely, Archie was in France. There was no way for him to be here. She was walking through the crowd when she saw him again. She shouted his name.

What the heck was Archie doing there?

She thought everything Archie did, and she remembered her anger. But her surprise to see him there, dampened down the urge she had to let him have it, right there and then. Tell him how stupid it was what he done and how he hurt her deeply. She was even unsure whether she could forgive him. Right now, all she wanted to ask him was what he was doing there.

Their eyes met. He saw the move of his head, showing surprise.

"Archie!" She shouted once more, both getting closer.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked him when they actually met.

"Aren't going to kiss your cousin hello?"

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