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Biting back a chuckle I pushed him by his shoulders gently, making him detach himself from my neck with a frown

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Biting back a chuckle I pushed him by his shoulders gently, making him detach himself from my neck with a frown.

"Shouldn't you go back to work?" I asked, glancing at the scattered papers all around the table I was currently sitting on.

"But I'm still not finished here," he muttered, placing another soft peck just under my ear, causing me to chuckle silently at his playfulness.

"It looks like you still have a lot to do," I noted, looking through the mess on the table in distaste. I really wasn't envious of all the work he had to get done. It looked like a lot, no wonder he looked so exhausted these days. Bureaucracy is obviously no fun.

"It's not my fault you're so distracting." I flushed at his smooth words, looking aside. The king chuckled at my reaction and placed another sweet peck under my ear, running his hands up and down my sides slowly.

"W-well if I'm distracting then maybe I shouldn't bother you an-" my attempt in acting cool about it was soon interrupted as he brought me closer by my waist, taking me off guard.

"I don't think so," he smirked before latching his lips with mine in a kiss. I returned it softly, clutching his shirt with my fists.

"But your work," I muttered into the kiss breathily, causing him to chuckle.

I just really didn't want to be the reason he's ditching his responsibilities for.

the king and his bride | k.thDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora