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Presents, presents

Presents, presents

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Chaeyoung's pov

''Girls, seriously can't we do this some other time? I'm tired and-''

''No you're not, you just want to mope around your room for the rest of the day. And like the good friends we are, we can't let you do that.''

''But how's cleaning up for the ball going to-''

''It will distract you!'' I sighed, letting myself get pulled along the corridors by Jisoo and Lisa, my cotton dress getting tangled in between my feet as I struggled to keep up with the pace of the two hurrying girls.

The preparations for the ball in two weeks were in a full swing by now and the corridors swarmed with countless maids running around with cleaning supplies, fresh dinner cloths, ornamental vases, and whatnot.

The ball was still days away but it was a big deal apparently, an annual ball held every beginning of summer. It was a festivity, mainly for the rich and important people to come together and bask together in the glamour of the palace, surrounded by live music and the best dishes they could ever taste.

I didn't know what role brides played in all this, but I hoped I wouldn't have to attend. Just the mention of all these people put in one room made me sick to my stomach.

And besides, Taehyung would be there too, among everyone. And I didn't know what to think of it, didn't know whether I wanted to meet him there or not.

Deep down I knew, how I reacted the day before yesterday wasn't right, I left without letting him explain. I left stubbornly with my blood boiling and my tears burning my cheeks, not wanting to listen to him, or what he had to say.

However, once the fire extinguished, it left nothing but cold, dry ashes in its place, leaving me empty and regretting. Leaving me feeling completely stupid.

''Alright babe, out of your dreamland, here we are!'' chirped Lisa pushing me in front of the big oak double door. Sighing, I grabbed the handle, pushing the heavy door before walking in.

''Happy birthday!''

Startled, I looked around the room in awe, running my eyes from one end to another to see all my friends grinning widely at me with all kinds of silly, colorful decorations hanging from the ceiling above our heads.

''What? But I thought...''

''You really thought we would have you cleaning up and mopping the floors on your own birthday?'' snorted Lisa, walking around me to get to the rest.

I laughed softly, looking bashfully at all the people present in the room, Seokjin already putting a silly paper hat on my head so I could match with everyone else.

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