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Cracking my eyes open in the dawn of the morning, I stretched, my body heavy with aches of yesterday evening

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Cracking my eyes open in the dawn of the morning, I stretched, my body heavy with aches of yesterday evening. My face felt sore, the cut on my neck was stinging unpleasantly and most of all there was a dull and uncomfortable ache in my abdomen where bruises surely formed. Groaning under my nose at the thought of having to bear this for many days to come, I carefully turned around, glancing at Taehyung who was still sleeping with his back facing me.

I smiled softly, watching his body raise with each stable breath.

Even though we would fall asleep in each other's arms every evening, during the night we always managed to gravitate to our own sides of the bed, and unless one of us realized that and came back to the other, which happened more than often anyway, we slept comfortably in each other's reach but without necessarily suffocating each other in cuddles.

I liked it that way.

A silent rumble interrupted my love-struck thoughts, making me grimace as I held onto my tummy. I haven't eaten since yesterday's lunch and the same most likely went for Taehyung.

Sighing I pushed myself up, rounding my shoulders slightly to get away the stiffness before carefully getting out of the bed.

After refreshing myself quickly in the bathroom I was soon on my way to the ground floor, not bothering to stop by my room to change from my nightgown since it was way early in the morning anyway.

Soon I was opening the heavy door to the kitchens, the area so dark it sent shivers down my spine. Turning the lights on quickly, I shuffled towards one of the pantries, assessing the ingredients that were available. Deciding on making crepes I grabbed flour and sugar, putting them on the counter before going to the coolroom to get the rest of the things I needed.

Gathering everything I got to work, moving around the empty kitchen slowly, careful of the dull ache in my stomach.

I couldn't get the fact that assassins would do such a reckless thing as this out of my mind. Never in my life have I heard about the palace being attacked, it was simply such a nonsensical thing to even think of. The palace may as well be the best-guarded place in the entire kingdom, and to dare to enter it like this, with the king present at that was very...brave, to put it nicely.

It bothered me, thinking they must have had an important goal to do such a thing. Was it the murder of the aristocrat? Why would they go as far as this for a murder of one guy? Did he have any dangerous leads on them? Something they could not overlook and had to act promptly?

The heavy door to the kitchen opened and to my surprise, Taehyung shuffled in, glaring at me already from the entrance.

''Good morning?'' I uttered, watching him curiously.

''Not so good. Why aren't you in bed?'' I raised my eyebrow amusedly as he sulkily approached me.

''I was hungry.''

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