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"He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh but those marks on your neck tell me otherwise."


This fanfiction will contain:

• strong language
• mature scenes
•mentions of death
• prob lots of fluff
• some bad grammar but I swear I'm trying

[Update] one more disclaimer!

I started this story young, unaware of how problematic it is. Be aware that it contains an unhealthy relationship. If this kind of stuff triggers or angers you, do not read. If you want to proceed still, please keep in mind that at the time I wrote this, I wasn't very aware of issues such as consent and toxic relationships. I hope you manage to enjoy the story still <3

Main Characters

Kim Taehyung

king of Ishgar
a saint
26 years old

•king of Ishgar•a saint•26 years old

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Park Chaeyoung

the youngest bride
•19 years old

•the youngest bride•19 years old

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Side Characters

Kim Jisoo

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