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Secrets and regrets

Taking slow and unsteady steps, I was making my way towards the awaiting man

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Taking slow and unsteady steps, I was making my way towards the awaiting man. In order to avoid his heated gaze, I ran my eyes around the room nervously, noticing some people looking at me worriedly while others continued with their chatting, not aware of the situation.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted Sueji who was also looking my way, concerned but also encouraging expression adorning her face.

I gave her a small, ensuring smile before finally looking ahead at the king, his chin in his fingers, his eyes holding an unsettling amount of emptiness.

My step faltered slightly as I watched him stand up from the chair, the room becoming quiet again as everyone was watching the scene unfold.

He gave me a sign to follow him with his eyes before turning around, heading away from the room.

My heart jumped at that, realizing that I'll have to be alone with him after all. I took a deep breath, encouraging myself before rushing my steps so I don't lose him.

Exiting the ballroom, we slowly made our way along the deathly silent corridor, me walking a few steps behind him with my head hanging low,  countless thoughts racing through my mind restlessly.

What could he possibly want from me? Is he going to talk about yesterday? Maybe he's going to scold me for running out impolitely as I did?

Noticing he stopped in his tracks, I did as well, looking around subtly. We were still on the corridor, in front of an enormous window overlooking the main yard. A hushed noise from the ballroom could be still heard as we weren't that far.

He turned around to face me as I didn't dare to look up with my hands intertwined with each other in front of me.

I bowed silently, not sparing him a look as I was frightened of what I may see once I look up. The same anger as yesterday? Guilt?

We stayed standing in silence for a long while before he sighed, taking a step towards me, however still not invading my personal space.

"Look at me." he ordered softly, my fists tightening around each other as uneasiness overwhelmed my body and mind. "Chaeyoung." he warned, however, his tone was anything but fierce.

Slowly looking up, I met his gaze, my heart skipping a few beats as I noticed the guilt and regret craved in his face.

3. person

Taehyung never felt more perplexed and torn than he did now. The unexplainable sorrow and frustration he felt while standing in front of her were making him go mad. It was a long time since he felt so utterly horrible for his actions.

Not to mention his stiff stance. He was nervous and antsy, the feelings making him so confused and frustrated he felt like banging his head against the wall for them to disappear.

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