Chapter 1

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Year 1839 :

The wind was icy cold in woodland town, snow flakes were everywhere, covering the road and the most famous musical college in landwood town.

The musical college was called the instrumental woodland college.

The college was famous by the students in it, many students played different kind of instruments, but they were actually really talented. The more was played in this college was Violin.

Many students choosed this instrument since they were kids and continued to play with it until now.

Violin was a strange and beautiful instrument, the way its made, the cruved shape of it, makes you want to play it. The sound of it when it's being played is magical, when you attach the long stick to its strings, you feel each melody coming in a different way.

It gave you the kind of music, that makes you feel relaxed and like you are in a different world completely, but sometimes this instrument had a dangerous effect on people too.

In the instrumental woodland college, students began playing their own violin. Their teacher watched them how they played, she was really proud of them. They were getting better each day, but the most their teacher was proud of, was the most talented of them was Lia.

Lia was a kind girl loved by everybody.
She had a curly dark brown hair, beautiful face with two blue bright eyes and pretty pink lips.

Her long beautiful white into pink dress was well organized, some students got jealous of how beautiful she wore her dresses.

She played violin, like no other can do like her, it was like she used magic to get the best melody from her violin.

Many famous musicians invited her to theater, so she got to play with them. Her teacher was really surprised with her talent in Violin, but there are some students who got jealous of her talent in Violin, that she got to play better than them.

Lia loved her instrument so much, she didn't care about the people who were jealous of her, all she thinks of was her violin and training to play it well.

Today was Lia's brithday, her parents decided to buy for her a violin, since they knew it's the most thing she loved.

The violin that they bought for her was dark colored, but it looked new and beautifully made.

"Lia sweetie, come look what me and your dad bought for you!". That time Lia was on her room playing her old violin, when she heard her mum calling her, she came out of her room and she found her parents hiding something, backside their back.

"Happy brithday! Our beautiful daughter, we decided to buy for you a new violin, instead of your old ones!". Her dad said, handing the Violin to her, Lia took it from them, she was amazed by its dark color and shape, but she still loved her old violin.

"Dad, mum thank you so much guys for bringing for me this present, but you didn't have to you know, my old one is still fine". She looked at them happily, she was really glad that she had a caring family like them.

"Oh sweetie, you deserve a new one, you did really grate in playing it, so me and your dad decided to buy for you a new one". Her mum went hugging her and kissing her in the forehead.

"Now go to your room and try playing it, until me and your mum go change our clothes and set food for dinner". Lia took the dark violin, went to her room and closed the door.

Lia liked silence, when it came to play violin and nobody to introupt her.

She sat quietly in her wooden chair, where she always plays her violin at and she picked the violin, starred at it for a minute,admiring it's beauty.

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