"Is that true Lexi your dating I mean really dating Jace?" he questioned.

"It's not how I wanted to tell you but yes I am" I said softly.

Matt stayed silence on the other end of the line thinking he hung up I looked at my phone screen. Before I heard him speak.

"I don't like it, but if it makes you happy I'll support you in your choice" he said I could hear the disappointment laced in his voice.

"I'm sorry you don't approve but I can't change my feelings. I just need to know if your at the clubhouse with Jace like he said he was" I said waiting for the answer.

Matt let a breath out "Yeah we're here" he said quietly.

"That was all I needed to know. I have to go but just remember that I love you guys and I'll be home soon" I said before hanging up the phone.

Getting up I held the phone in my hand facing the girls I cleared my throat.

"Everybody listen up!" I hollered making sure I was heard by everyone.

Immediately every head was turned my direction I had there full attention.

"Were all clear it's time to suit up! We move out in one hour, so get ready do what you need to do" looking at each and every one of them.

"Say your goodbyes because we're all going into this but it's not guaranteed you'll be making it out" I said loudly.

A long silence carried in the room as they took in what I said. Moments later they got to moving everyone looking to get dressed.

It was about finding there footing. Guns were getting readied for the upcoming battle. Once I was satisfied with the process I turned to get ready myself.

Undressing I even switched out my underwear and bra for a clean pair. I chose a pair of fitted black cargo pants. Then taking out a thin black bullet proof vest.

It's a thin material that covers all the main organs fitting perfectly under my vest. It's not like I was afraid of dying but I would perfer to get out of this alive.

I pulled a black long sleeve over that with a double strapped gun holster over that. In each hold there was a 9M Beretta.

Once it was clipped in place and secure I then slipped my vest on top. Leaving it open so I could then have access to the extra guns.

I grabbed a black belt slipping it through the pant holes. With that I turned my phone off slipping it into my front pocket.

I then laced up my combat boots keeping them tight but yet comfortable for me. Grabbing my Desert Eagle I placed it securley behind my back in my pant waist band.

Once I was ready I clipped the radio on my left front pocket pant along with our hearing device placed in my right ear. Kasey and I stepped to the front once everyonce was ready.

Kasey spoke first "Red Dragons you've all done a great job and tonight all that hard work is going to pay off" she said looking over her club members.

"Vixens we've busted our asses more then a few times but you've all had my back and more. We started off as a club being underlooked and taken advantage of."

Taking a breath I continued on with my speech.

"Over time we've grown to trust each other and it turned into a sisterhood. With our strengths put together we are one hell of a force to be messing with" I said smiling.

"Tonight we put everything on the line. So watch each others back, because we came into this together and I'll be damned if we don't come back out the same" I said honestly.

"Well said Havoc" Kasey said acknowledging me I gave her a nod in acceptance.

"Havoc and I made some calls and we have something for each of you before we head out" she said.

Looking around they seemed confused as to what was going on but I knew it was the right thing to do since we were a club.

Kasey and I went to retrieve two boxes each we set them down on the floor. Opening them up I spoke

"As full a fledge club we need to represent our colors and wear our name with pride" I said lifting up one of the newly made leather cuts.

Each one was made specifically for that person they looked exactly like Kaseys and mine. There was one thing that I didn't put on there cuts.

That was ranks I had the patches but until after this was over then would I evaluate everyone and see who would fall into the positions at the table.

Once everyone had there cuts we were ready to move out we. We had Courtney and Lisa tied up in the back seat of my car. A plastic sheet was laid out to catch any dripping blood.

All license plates were removed before heading out onto the street. From there we all moved out to our designated areas.

Once we were all out of distance I set up the first explosive the green light turned on. The bomb was now activated oh this was to be a interesting night.

Keep my left hand on the wheel I lifted the control in my hand so it was directly above the dashboard. Looking in the rear view mirror I pushed down on the button.

A small clicking noise and then there was a loud eruption the fire and pieces of metal shooting up in the air.

"Boom Bitches! Let the games begin"

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