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Author's note: I'm currently editing through this book and OMG I'm so sorry I put y'all through my old writing, I'll try my best to improve it, please be patient with me, I love you all! Also, please, if you can leave a few comments and a vote on the chapters, I would really appreciate it xoxo.


Kim Min-Seok's POV.


Don't loan money from the mafia if you can't pay it back; that should be the first rule of survival. You'd be surprised how many people ignore it, acting as though they have nine lives to spare.

They take out a loan, think they have all the time in the world, they may even start to pay it back but then bang, they realise they can't finish the payment and we're already knocking at their door. So, they end up dead.

We were on our way to deal with one of those people now, Hong Man-Gi. A former politician who thought he could save his image by buying the people's favour after he ended up in a sex trafficking scandal that forced him out of a job. He came to us, to Suho specifically, because he knew EXO did business with scumbags like him; we gave them the money they needed to make everyone forget about what they had done. But not this time. This time, the people didn't forget, and Hong Man-Gi couldn't pay us back.

He thought he could run... he thought he could hide. But we found him; we always found them. We just let them believe they were safe from us, so they'd get comfortable.

Hong Man-Gi had been hiding out in a rougher part of Gangnam, picking up shifts at the nearby construction site under a new name. Unfortunately for him, there was nowhere in Seoul Exo didn't have eyes and ears.

Jong-Dae, Baek-Hyun, and I were assigned to this job, moving in the dead of the night when no one was out to see us do the devil's work.

The moon peeked slightly over the tall, rundown flats that dwarfed the neighbourhood, lighting up our path and guiding us to his house. A place he'd bought before his scandal to bring prostitutes to, now a hideout.

Bags of trash were piled up at the door and Baek-Hyun made a point of kicking one away and turning up his nose at the smell; his suit made him stick out in the area we were in, "Let's do this quickly, this place smells like a dug-up graveyard—"

"It disturbs me that you know what that smells like," Jong-Dae quipped, rubbing his nose, red and running from the cold.

Baekhyun just grunted before knocking loudly on the gate, the metal rattling harshly, cutting through the silent night like a warning to anyone inside to stay there and a message to those nearby to keep away.

It took only a few seconds for an angry man's shout to come from behind the gate, "Are you crazy? Who the hell comes to people's houses at this time of night!" Hong Man-Gi swung the gate open violently, the hinges creaking, a fruit knife gripped in his fat hands. "What do you—" He paused, his eyes registering who were, his armed hand lowering to his side, his face flushing a strange purply red before sweat beads began to form on his forehead and he coughed nervously, backing away from us. 

He tried to kick the gate shut but I stuck my shoe in between the gap before he could, shoving the door back open, a small hiss leaving my mouth as I acknowledged the dull pain in my foot, "Motherfucker!"

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