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Park Chan-Yeol's Pov.

I didn't get a chance to react; one minute I had my gun raised at Kim Re-Won's back, the next I was withering on the floor, a bullet wedged into my leg. I could hear his footsteps creeping closer, until he was hovering over me.

He was grinning, "You're not who I was expecting. What a pity,"

I met his eyes, they didn't seem human, completely dark sparked with a haze of apathy and amusement at my pain. How was he related to Yeo-Reom?

"It's okay, I'll kill you first, Yeo-Reom will be here soon enough anyway."

I met the barrel of his gun with my eyes, the lack of light in the room making the black metal merge into its surroundings. I hated to admit I was slightly afraid to die. I hated that my death would cause Yeo-Reom to blame herself for letting me go alone.

"Goodbye." His laugh bounced off the walls as he pressed the trigger.

I shut my eyes.


Kim Yeo-Reom's Pov.


I fired, I didn't think at all, I just shot my gun.

The bullet pierced through Kim Re-Won's hand, forcing him to drop his gun just as the trigger was pulled, the bullet lodging itself into the ground beside Chan-Yeol's head.

Kim Re-Won screamed out angrily, clutching his hand to his chest until his eyes fell on me. Then, his face changed, his eyes narrowed and a smile raised his mouth once again, "That's no way to greet your father, Yeo-Reomie—"

"Get away from him," I spat, coming further into the room, my hand unwillingly shaking.

Kim Re-Won glanced down at Chan-Yeol, who lay clutching his leg that steadily seeped blood, "This boy? No problem."

He raised his leg, bringing it down hard into Chan-Yeol's side making him release a pained yell and curl up. 

My legs started forward again, "Don't—"

"That was my bad, I needed to get it out of my system," Kim Re-Won turned back to me again and I froze. He was only a metre away.

"You have my full attention now...daughter."

My fingers twitched against the trigger as Chan-Yeol's heavy breathing filled the room.

"You know, it feels like only yesterday I saw you cowering by the stairs, peeking through your hair as your darling mother held out her hand for you to save her,"

Lies. She never cared about us to begin with.

"I do regret that day a little..." Kim Re-Won began circling us like a shark, his words engulfing me, "I regret that I didn't start with you. Thinking back, it would have been much easier to have just," He gestured randomly with his hand, pulling a mockingly sad face, "thrown you out of the window. I could have said it was an accident, officer, she was playing, officer, case closed."

A cool shiver ran down my spine and my free hand curled into a fist as the first signs of stinging tears crept into my eyes.

"Because of you, your mother had to die." Kim Re-Won scoffed coming to face me again, his aged face still as cruel as it had been ten years ago. "Did you know, that that stupid bitch started feeding me leftovers like some dog because she wanted to leave the good food for her precious children? She always spoke of money. Money, money, money. We never had any of it... because of you, the unwanted pregnancy, the mistake child."

A sick feeling started to build in my stomach as his hand fell onto my shoulder, trying to push me down to kneel for him, "If you had just died, everything would have been fixed...but she wouldn't let me." His nails dug into my skin dragging me towards him so he could hiss, "So, I killed her."

I didn't feel the pain at first but then I felt a sting, followed by the sensation of my skin being torn apart, a strangled gasp leaving my throat as I glanced down at the knife sticking out of my stomach, my hands shaking even more.

"I hope you know this is my way of avenging your mother. This is the way it should have been to begin with." Kim Re-Won finished bluntly, pulling away from me.

My hands flew to my stomach, pressing against the skin around the wound, my fingers coming away red.

"Reom-Ah!" I heard Chan-Yeol gasp but his voice felt as though it was a mile away, barely registering in my ears as memories swirled in my mind like poison, tears raining down on my cheeks.

I suddenly remembered eating together in the kitchen, my mother and I sharing leftover rice, laughing quietly so we wouldn't wake my sisters. I remembered us running together through the rain, bags of ice cream in our hands, barely covering our heads with them...laughing all the way.
I remember summered nights on the rooftop wrapped up in my mother's arms, fairy tales being told and aspirations being shared. She'd always wanted to be an artist...why hadn't I remembered this until now? Where were all these memories when I was bitter, resenting her?

"What's wrong, Yeo-Reomie? Do you feel sad? Do you miss your mother?" Kim Re-Won smirked in the dark, turning his head to the window, "Don't worry, I'll send you to meet her soon, along with your sisters— hell! I'll even throw in your boyfriend too! See, I'm a good father! I'm considerate of your feelings, I don't want you to feel lonely in your grave." His laugh began to build a sense of agonising rage in my chest, nothing seemed to matter anymore. 

Not the bombs, not the bleeding, not the memories. I just wanted him dead.

His own commentary sent him into hysterics, his taunts continuing as I placed my hand on the handle of the knife, slowly tearing it it back out of my body, the nature of the action nearly breaking my consciousness. I kept the bloody knife in my hand, mustering up every ounce of strength I had.

"What are you doing, Yeo-Reomie? I'm upset, you shouldn't have taken out your present." Kim Re-Won mocked, rocking on his feet.

There went the last strings holding my sanity together. Everything afterwards was more of a blur than reality.

I knew Chan-Yeol was yelling something.

I knew Kim Re-Won was laughing as I rushed at him. He toppled over more so out of surprise than anything else.

It was satisfying to drop the knife to the ground and hit his face over and over again, marking his skin purple and blue until specs of blood caked my knuckles and my nails were laced with dirt. I don't know if he tried to push me off but if he did, I didn't feel it. I just knew that by the end, I couldn't recognise his face, his eyes swelling rapidly, his face bruised beyond recognition if not for his smile; he was still smiling, a bloody rotten smile.

"You're still so...weak. You can't...even kill me," Kim Re-Won managed to spit out, blood. spluttering out of his mouth and hitting my face.

I turned away from him, glancing at Chan-Yeol who had pushed himself up into a sitting position, clutching his leg, concern evident on his face, "I'm okay." Chan-Yeol grimaced reaching out his fingers, almost begging me to reach out to him, to hold onto him. Why did he have to be there for the ugly sides of my life?


I clenched my eyes shut, a final burst of blinding anger taking over and my hands moved to grab onto the abandoned knife, "You don't deserve to go peacefully."

I loathed his laughter because I knew it would follow me for the rest of my life, no matter the outcome of this night.

"You can't kill—"

Oh, but I could.


Love Shot - Exo Mafia AU (1/4)Where stories live. Discover now