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Kim Ri-Ya's Pov.


"Second-in-command!" Día darted to me as we emerged from the building, her face streaked with dust and cuts. 

Kyung-Soo came to my side, helping Chan-Yeol stand and giving me room to move around them and focus on what was being said, "What happened?"

"We found them," Día blurted.

Min-Seok set down Yeo-Reom, who stumbled, stretching out her hands to balance herself on the side of the building.

"They're in one of the temporary buildings, it's right at the back of the yard."

I frowned, eyeing Yeo-Reom who accepted help from Yi-Xing and Jong-Dae as they led her to a wooden crate, forcing her to sit down. Yi-Xing asked her to raise her shirt and after studying the jagged injury, he covered it with a large cotton pad and multiple layers of bandages, his face still somehow cheerful.

"Why aren't they here then?" I turned my attention back to Día who grimaced, "Temp buildings are made of plastic, they shouldn't be that hard to break through."

Min-Seok nodded in agreement, joining us as we began to follow Día in the direction of the Ma-Ra and Suho's location.

"We thought the same thing but Ma-Ra gave orders for us to stay away from the building," Día mumbled, glancing back at us briefly.

"Her earpiece is working?" I frowned in confusion.

Día shook her head to answer me, biting her lip, "No, it's just easy to hear through the plastic. She won't tell us what's going on but the door of the building is locked and they aren't even trying to leave."

I frowned harder as the white temp building came into sight, trying to figure out what was stopping the two leaders from leaving it.

"What about the Black Aces members they were chasing?" Min-Seok questioned, his hand coming out to hold mine.

"They're dead, their bodies are next to the building. Gunshot wounds matching our guns but..." Día trailed off uncertainly as  I raised a brow carefully,

"But what?"

Día shrugged, shaking her head, "Suho mentioned we needed to be on the lookout for the members that got away and trapped them in that building."

"Right? And?" I raised a brow, we'd stopped a little away from the building where the other members were crowded around five bodies.

"Well, they were only chasing five members. If Ma-Ra and Suho didn't kill them...who did?" Día finished, gesturing for the people to move aside for us.

I surveyed the members there, no one showed any signs of familiarity to the scene and no one stepped forward to acknowledge the act, "Let's leave it for now. We should be grateful we don't have to deal with them."

The EXO members around us nodded along with my words before the younger members stepped forward to cover the bodies.

"What's going on?" I glanced back at Yeo-Reom who was leaning on Baek-Hyun, the EXO member pressing his hand to her stomach, his expression dark as her wound continued to soak the bandages.

"Ma-Ra's in there but she's denied us permission to act," I replied calmly though that was the last thing I felt.


Love Shot - Exo Mafia AU (1/4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora