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Kim Oh-Rim's Pov.

"Kim Suho has declared a hit on a twenty something year old, Kim Yeo-Reom, hiding somewhere in Seoul since this morning. They're still trying to get a good enough photo of her to attach to the file, so it gives us some time to figure out what to do next," The woman speaking to me turned to face me, her face stern, "From my understanding, she's staying with you right now?"

I bowed quickly, acknowledging the other woman in the room as well briefly, "Yes, Ma'am."

My Boss rose from her seat, her heels clicking on the marble floor slowly. She stood right in front of me, her eyes dark and holding a swirl of emotions I couldn't decipher. She placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it firmly, "Then it's up to you to keep her safe until she's ready to come to us. When you feel she is ready, bring her here. I've waited ten years for this moment; I can wait a few more days."

I nodded curtly in response, bowing again.

"Go. She shouldn't stay alone for too long, it's dangerous." The other woman, who had not yet moved spoke up, my second-in-command.

"Of course," I straightened myself out, turning on my heels to leave the dining room as quickly as I had entered it, glancing back once before exiting the door, at the two sisters staring out of the window together, a hushed conversation taking place between them, their expressions matching and sombre.

But it was not my business to reassure them right now, no matter how much I cared for them. I had to go protect Kim Yeo-Reom instead.


Kim Yeo-Reom's Pov.

I wasn't sure where I was when I first woke up, the room unfamiliar to my hazy mind. The bed was empty and cold and the flat too quiet.

I half expected to see my bare lightbulb ceiling above me and my cereal box posters on the wall but instead the walls were a light beige, decorated with hand-drawn flowers. Oh-Rim hadn't redecorated since the age of eleven.

I raised my hand, tracing the small flowers on the wall with my finger before sighing and sitting up, crawling out of the bed reluctantly.

Oh-Rim had left a little note on the side of her nightstand, saying she had an interview for a freelance gig and there was food in the fridge but there was no more information about when she'd be back.

I put the brightly coloured sticky note back into its original spot, standing up and making my way over to the open window. I pulled the pink curtain open, covering half the window and hiding behind it before looking outside.

There was nothing suspicious that I could see, only two men talking on a bench that I didn't remember being there and a woman with her child visiting the corner shop that was just barely visible to me. 

I backed away slowly, making my way into the bathroom to wash my face, trying to ignore the pain in my legs and back from all the running I had done. I looked strange to myself in the mirror, I almost didn't recognise myself. Chan-Yeol had helped me stay healthy for so long I'd forgotten I no longer looked like a ghost but now, actually resembled a human being.

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