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it was again a new school day. the memories from the eventually pleasant lunch with minjee were still vivid in both chan and jeongin's minds... as well as the hickeys on the younger's neck.

it had already been a few days but the bruised spots were still noticeable and the school uniform barely covered them, that's why jeongin was wearing his scarf a lot more often than usual.

his day was going pretty smoothly. his first periods flew in a blink of an eye and he felt refreshed from meeting chan in the school hallway of his building. usually, last year students didn't hang out in that area so it was a big surprise to see chan there.

unfortunately, their meet up was quick and they both had to part ways soon, chan running to whatever his destination was and jeongin following him with a loving gaze.

as soon as the bell signalling lunch time rang, jeongin dashed out of his class faster than ever and quickly walked down the hallway. he had never felt this endless urge to hold chan, to kiss chan, and to just spend time with him.

he was still on his way to the school canteen, when he got a message, his phone vibrating in his pocket. he slowed down and picked it up. a huge smile spread on his face when he read the text message.

channie hyung
hey baby,

meet me behind the old building at lunch

jeongin replied a simple ok before starting running again towards the older boy.

he didn't know why he wanted to meet him there, but he hoped their meeting included food because he was really starving.

he soon reached his destination and bent down with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. he wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead and stood up straight, walking to the back of the old building.

he immediately spotted chan there, sitting cross-legged on the ground with a tray of food laying next to him.

"channie?" jeongin called out and chan's head turned towards him in a second. he brightly smiled, dimples in display.

"hey, innie," he stood his hand out and held jeongin's, helping him sat down in front of him.

"why are we here?" jeongin asked, eyes darting between chan, the food and his surroundings.

he was so excited to be there with his hyung, yet also a bit anxious... what if a teacher or another student found them and told the principal?

"i wanted to be alone with you," chan simply said, "i missed you"

"i missed you, too" jeongin cooed, reaching forward and leaving a tiny kiss on the elder's nose.

chan unexpectedly blushed and jeongin loved the sight, going to pinch his cheek, before mumbling a soft cute.

suddenly, jeongin remembered something and his eyes shot wide open, "i- i forgot to tell felix and the-"

"don't worry," chan interrupted him with a small smile, "i already warned them i'd be stealing you for a while."

this time it was jeongin's turn to blush and look down in embarrassment.

"and also, don't worry about other people noticing us... it's safe here at this hour," the older reassured him and jeongin nodded, a sense of relief washing over him.

then, they started picking at the food on the tray placed between them on the grass. it consisted of a few sandwiches, a portion of chicken noodles and one of kimchi, two kiwis and two bottles of water.

it seemed a lot for just the two of them, but they both knew they were going to finish all of it without any problem.

jeongin immediately dived into the food and finished the first tuna sandwich with a few bites. chan looked at him, mouth full as well and eyes sparkling with joy.

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