-Chapter 31-

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After that dream or memory, whatever you want to call it, I decided to go in the shower and wash since sweat had gathered all over me. Soon after stepping out of the warm shower I brushed my teeth.

It was a Saturday morning and a bright day outside. The sun was beautifully glistening and hitting everything with rays of sunlight. But despite that. It wasn't as hot. It was autumn and the weather was slowly becoming colder and colder. I had always been a person who enjoyed warmth so in a way, it made me a little upset. 

Just as I was about to put a pair of PJs on, my phone begins to vibrate. I grab it and see Olivia's name pop up. I answer it.

Just as I was about to ask her why she phoned she quickly spoke "Athena! I need to tell you something!" She said. I was confused by her outburst. "Go ahead.." I stated.

"Wait... never mind. I've been told someone else will be doing it instead of me" she just suddenly stated. "Wait Olivia, what are you talking about?" I asked her. "You'll know soon! Cya!" And just like that, she ended the phone.

I didn't know how to act so I just left it and went downstairs. 

I noticed that no one was in the house. "Where was everyone?" I thought but then I realised that my mother had told me the previous night that they were going in for a meeting in the school. Apparently, someone in my grade was trying to pick on Cole and Alex but they ended up both punching him, at the same time, in the face. 

All I heard from downstairs that night was "He was the one who started it!" Alex whined. My mom was trying to tell him off but she didn't blame him, she was just doing it so he wouldn't get into fights quickly after. My dad, on the other hand, had a different reaction, " How hard did you hit him?" he laughed, I could tell he had scuffed my brother's hair as he said it since he always does. 

So now I was home alone. I heard a small grumble from my stomach and realised how hungry I was. Slowly dragging my feet to the kitchen, I looked at my options, I went for some fruit. I didn't know why I was craving the sweet healthiness.

I had a bowl of many fruits and ate them as I sat on the couch, I scrolled through various tv channels and decided that music was the best option since nothing else was on.

I scrolled through my phone for a few minutes after that, but soon I heard a ring of the doorbell.

"Surely they weren't back yet? They didn't leave too long ago" I thought. The doorbell went off again. I turned the Tv off and got up.

I walked over to it and when I opened the door Ryder was standing there. Under his eyes were slight bags from a lack of sleep. He was wearing a pair of black joggers and a white muscular fit tee that made him look irresistible. His hair was messier than its usual slightly messy style, but it didn't make him look any worse, in fact, it probably made him look sexier. Why was I thinking like this when I'm meant to be mad at him?

"What do you want Ryder?" I ask him with a soft and hurt voice. As much as I wanted to be spiteful. 1, I couldn't the vulnerability he was showing me juxtaposed extremely with his usual confident self and 2, I couldn't because my emotions right now just took a turn. Today I was trying to get over the comment and action but it was hard to do that when he just shows up out of nowhere.

"We need to talk. I need you to listen to me, please" He says in a soft voice. The word need convinced me. The word need meant a lot more than what people made it seem.

I nodded and opened the door for him to step in, I closed the door behind him. "You can sit on the couch if you would like" I state as I sit on one side and he decides to sit on the other.

The bad boy lives next doorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora