-Chapter 15-

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The school went by in a flash, nothing really happened luckily. Apart from the fact that Mason and Olivia have been talking a lot more than usual.

I lay in my bed watching Netflix, it was around 8:00 and Friday night. I had eaten dinner not too long ago but I was hungry again, so I decided that I would go downstairs and get some snacks. I look around the cupboards and grab a bag of Cheetos. Beautiful Cheetos.

Then when I was about to grab some candy there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" I yell as I was the closest to the door.

I open and Ryder was there. "Oh, come in," I say and he does. "Ryder's here!" I yell and my mom yells back. "Ok, go in your room if he needs you if not then whatever else!" She was obviously preoccupied with her show. She is where my Netflix obsession side comes from. My dad didn't care much for Tv, he just enjoyed spending time with my mum so he would watch it with her.

I start walking upstairs and he follows behind me. "I'm guessing you're here for me," I say to him. "Yup." He answers and I open my door and sit down on my bed. He looks up at my TV and chuckles slightly "Am I interrupting your little Netflix session?" He asks. "Just a little".

He lays down on my bed. "So I have already asked the others and they said yes, including your lover Olivia, do you wanna come out on Saturday?" He asks and I think. "Sure why not, What are we doing?" He smirks. "Swimming. There's an indoor swimming pool nearby so I can drive you there and Mason, Olivia and Michael said they are walking. "

Sure. what time are you gonna come?" I question. "I'll be here at 12" He replies. We sit in silence for a second and I remember something super important. My snack.

I pull out my Cheetos and open them, shoving a load in my mouth. "You're not even going to offer some to your guest?" He sulks and I shake my head. "Nope," I say after finishing the mouthful, making sure to pop my p.

He then pins me down on the bed and puts his face inches away from mine. "I guess I had to be forceful." I pout as he garbs the Cheetos from me. He gets off and shoves his hand into the packet and grabs some. I go to put my hand in and he moves it away. I try to do it again and once more he moves it away.

"Give me my Cheetos!" I glare at him and he acts as if he can't hear me.

I get closer and try to reach out to grab the Cheetos, slowly getting angrier. "Give them back!" I yell. "Come get it then." He replies and I scoff and reach further but still, I couldn't quite reach it.

"Great view," He says and I look down, my chest was way too close to him and I move back instantly. "Shut up!" I yell feeling my face redden, smacking his arm. He puts the Cheetos down and gets up. "But I'll have an even better view tomorrow." He laughs and I glare at him. "When I get my hands on you-" And before I finish I start chasing after him till we get downstairs and he quickly escapes back into his house, making sure to stick his tongue out before going through the door. "lucky him," I say to myself as I walk back upstairs.

I wake up the next morning and look at my phone. It was currently 9:00 so I took a shower and got dressed in gym wear. No, I wasn't going gym. They just looked decent and it was easy to quickly go out in it, especially in my one-man shopping trip. As much as I loved going shopping with Olivia- I was also a huge fan of shopping  by myself. It was like a form of therapy. 

I grabbed my phone and a small bag to put my purse and what I was buying in. I left around 9:45 and headed to the shopping centre. I went to a few shops and I found a black bikini that would go well with my tanned skin. Hey, don't judge. I knew what suited me and what didn't! I also pick up a new towel since why not. And I get a few snacks since I'm always hungry and I need them. Yes. Need.

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