-chapter 4-

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A week went past and school had been much more welcoming than I could've ever imagined. Since last week, Olivia and I have gotten even more closer. In fact, in 2 days, Friday, we are going to have a sleepover. which I've never really had with a girl before. I am so excited.

We also have found out a lot about one another- she use to be super sporty. Although she only did track now (which is sporty enough), she also use to do soccer, basketball, hockey and way more that I didn't want to spend a day listing.

She also told me about her crush in 1st grade, totally flopped because she farted in front of him. Unfortunately, we were in class while she told me and we both couldn't stop laughing. We ended up getting split apart and even despite that we would make slight eye contact with one another and burst out in a fit of laughter all over again.

Cole and Alex have been inseparable. They play basketball at school every day and if they weren't at school they were doing the same at the park or either one of our houses. They even went far enough to take away a few fence's down which was quite a hasty move despite not knowing each other for very long.

Furthermore, the two of our families have become super close to the point of my dad and their dad agreeing to replace it with a gate. Using that as a little 'stereotypical man building bond moment'- what a bunch of idiots.

What made everything worse was that Ryder constantly pisses me off. Why? I wanted to know that myself. I breathe and somehow it becomes a trigger to become a dick. Every time I think of him I feel myself sigh. While in class he pulled my chair backwards to I missed it and fell on the floor ass first. You didn't understand how close I was to becoming wanted for murder in those moments. I would be facing trial as of now, pleading guilty if I was brave enough. But I wasn't brave enough, not for murder at least, so a swift slap to the head settled it for me.

Not that it did anything because he simply continued to laugh, but harder. It didn't even affect him one tiny bit. Which made my embarrassment worsen. He also dared to get me a detention after school. Which I guess wasn't a big deal. But I didn't want to be in school any longer than I already had to be if Olivia wasn't by my side.

It's Wednesday and I had been standing in the shower for way too long thinking about life. I decided to get out because I know I take a little too long to get ready and I didn't want to be late.

I decided to wear a grey Nike hoodie and a pair of light blue jeans, it was quite a bit colder today so a hoodie was a necessity. I did the same as I did every morning and kissed my mum goodbye as both my brother and I walked out of the house. Knocking for Cole then going to school.

As soon as we got there I sorted out my books and headed over to Olivia. She, Charlotte and  Evie were in a deep conversation and I didn't know whether to interrupt but Olivia did a 'come here' hand motion and I instantly walked over there.

"Can she know?" Olivia asked Evie and she nodded with a smile that was put on. She didn't seem in the best mood. As soon as I walked over she instantly began with her troubles.

"I have noticed Romeo being distant to me, I didn't think much of it but it just worried me slightly how he's not been around me as much or talking to me in general. But I wasn't worried about me but him because I thought something was on his mind and I was going to ask him about it on Friday but I saw him laughing with another girl.

So I didn't want to interrupt and decided to ask to meet up so we could talk about him and if there was anything wrong and just to see him in general. But when I texted him later if he could meet on Saturday he said he already had plans, I asked the boys if he was meeting them but they didn't know. But I just guessed he was going to meet another friend or something with his family. But it was weird as he would always tell me what he's doing.

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