-Chapter 26-

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I woke up and went to go shower for the morning. It was around 11. I didn't have school since I was expelled so I didn't bother setting an alarm and turned them off last night for the next few days. As I walked into the bathroom I looked at my reflection and I looked worse than yesterday. I couldn't help but laugh at myself again at the state I was in. "Damn. I really do look worse today" I giggled and continues to laugh as I look at my pitiful self in the mirror.

After the lacking humour was gone I finally hopped into the warm shower and stayed in there for a while. Nothing was rushed. I was relaxed despite my face hurting like hell.

My lip was busted but not as bad as yesterday while the bruise on my nose and under my right eye had gotten much worse. The purple and blue colour was more vibrant while the swelling also increased. Definitely a whole lot more obvious.

I get out and wrap a towel around me. I lay in my bed for a few minutes and scroll through Instagram till my body is dry enough to get dressed into a pair of pj's.

I put on a fluffy matching set since it was cold today and my body was aching. Just as I was about to get back onto my bed there is a knock at my bedroom door. "Come in" I state and my mom pokes her head through the side of my door.

Her grinning face fades away as she looks at my face. "It's worse than yesterday" She mutters with anger clear in her voice. "I'm about to watch Avengers age of Ultron. Want to come and join me?" She offers and a smile appears on my face and I nod. I grab a blanket and head downstairs with her.

"I'll prepare the popcorn while you turn the tv on" She instructs and I agree. As we do our things she begins to speak. "Who was the girl who did that to you?" She asks with venom in her voice. She was clearly mad.

"Just some girl. I don't understand her problem with me." I state and my mom nods. "What actually happened? Your principal didn't give me any detail" She questions.

"Me, Ryder, Zane, Michael, Mason and Olivia were at our lunch table as usual and she started talking to Ryder, he was obviously not happy about it and she was flirting with him. She even sat on his lap and he had to literally push her off to remove her. He then told her to go away which we all thought she was going to do when suddenly she turned around, bent down to my eye level, called me "Bitch" and slapped me" I state and at this point my mom had steam coming out of her ears. "Did you give her a good beating?" She raises an eyebrow and I nod and a grin shows on her face.

"If that mother has anything to say I'll make sure to do the same. No one touches my daughter!" She yells as she takes the popcorn out of the microwave" I pump my fist in the air and jump "Yeah!"

We finish preparing and sit there and watch it with the blanket over us as well as her arms wrapped around me. Moments like this are what made me the happiest. We sat there and watched it. Midway she ordered Chinese for us both as we enjoyed it yet hadn't eaten it for so long. After the movie finished, we talked for a little and I went back upstairs and had a nap since I was so exhausted for some reason.

I heard some voices and so I opened my eyes slowly forgetting the cover was over my whole face and body. I pulled it away and when I did I was surprised to be greeted by all my friends.

Their face's looked horrified at mine which made me laugh. "You look rough" Laughs Michael, only making me laugh more. Everyone, including me, agreed with the statement.

I look around at everyone but I noticed one person wasn't there. Ryder. "Where's Ryder?" I asked a little sad he didn't come but at the same time relieved, I was still mad at him after our small argument. "He didn't want to come for some reason. We dropped him off just before we came here" Zane grins.

"Oh. Ok" I say looking down slightly. "I didn't seem like it would look like this. But my god" Mason laughs "You took a beating. I just wanna know what Molly looks like since I could see you got even more hits in" He continues and I shake my head.

"It was more than obvious you were the one winning" Olivia giggles. I shrug and continue to sit with the covers over me.

We all talk about life and what school was like that day. Apparently, it was the only thing everyone was talking about all day. How the really short girl hit a much taller girl. That part made me laugh.

Everyone always has to bring my height in. Oh well, I'm pretty used to it although it'll always be annoying.

"How was it like fighting" Questions Michael as he jumps onto the bean bag making me laugh. That bean bag was his to claim every time he came round. "I don't know. It hurt a lot" I state and Mason, Zane and Michael all laugh. "We know that feeling. It hurts like heck. But that's if you get hit." Mason adds.

"I'm too good at fighting to be hit" Zane scoffs. "Yea right. Liar" Michael adds making us laugh.

"I'm not over the fact you went to juvie for fighting Zane! I'm telling my mom!" I state and his face turns pale. "No!" He screams and before he can say anything more, I start running downstairs and he chases me.

"Don't!" He yells one more time before stopping in his tracks as we are both in front of my mom.

"Mom. Do you know why I never knew Zane came to our school and moved here?" I question and she thinks "He was ill and didn't come in? Oh, I hope not dear" I shake my head. "Did he not hang around you?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Zane here. went to juvy" I say and the second I do Zane's face turns ghostly white and my mom looks at him with anger. She hits the back of his head. "What is wrong with you?!" She yells and he laughs nervously. "It's not my fault! I already told Athena this" He begs her for forgiveness but my mom just continues to smack him.

"I just got into a little- Well maybe a big fight. I didn't mean to break his rib!" he lets out and my mom hits him while yelling "What then? How did you accidently do it?!"

The others were laughing and so was I at the scene of Zane getting hit brutally by my mom. "His rib got in the way!" He squeaks and we all knew that he shouldn't have said that. And once more she hits him hard and stops. "You are an idiot." She finished and tuts, as defeated Zane lays on the ground.

My mom always punished him if he ever got into fights. She would teach him a lesson and he wouldn't fight for a few months after her little beating. But if she didn't,  he would get into another fight within a few days. He wasn't a bad kid at all but somehow trouble always found him.

The memories of it were funny, his mom would just laugh and watch as my mom would brutally destroy him. Their relationship was very abusive but hilarious. But Zane respected my mom a lot, like a mentor in some sort of way.

After many hours of us all chilling around we said our goodbye's and they left.

After that, I stayed home for the next few days. I didn't bother with anything just relaxing with my mom or by myself. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was already time for me to prepare for school in the morning. At least Molly wouldn't be there.

But I probably needed to say sorry to Ryder. I realised over these few days that I snapped at him for no reason and he didn't mean any harm. He was only worried and I shouldn't have treated him like that.

And like that I was determined to admit to my mistake.

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