-Chapter 5-

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They left just like that, leaving me and Olivia in the car park. "Shall we just ditch the rest of the day and go mine?" Olivia asks and I immediately nod back. One thing was certain right now, and it was that I could not be less bothered to go in for the rest of the day.

We just into her car and the whole way there we listened to the radio. It was "the greatest hits" on and David Bowie's song came on and we both began to sing- a little too loudly. Since the windows were down I'm sure people over a mile away could hear us singing.

We hit a red light mid-Queen's 'Don't stop me now' and got a few cheers from the traffic. There were even some women, in their 40's, who was in the car on Olivia's side and also waiting in traffic. At first, they cheered our loud singing on but very quickly began joining in with us and this duet became a whole collaboration.

"I'm gonna go, go, go. There's no stopping me" They sang while pointing to us. The one closest to us, a woman in shotgun, nearly fell out of her window. I think she may be getting a little too into it.

"I'm burning through the skies, yeah! two hundred degrees that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit." We sang back, beginning to point to them also.

The moment was priceless and as the amber light came we all laughed our heads off, waving each other goodbye as they went another direction. 

The car journey sadly hit its ending and we reached Olivia's house. I, of course, put my shoes off at the door and followed her upstairs into her room.

"Face masks?" She smiles at me while she shakes the two packs in her hands in front of my face. "You're gonna smack me with that if you don't stop" I shake my head at her, to which she replies, "maybe that was my aim?" with a humorous smirk.

"Oh shush, you would never hit me!" I protest, "You wanna bet?" She threatens and we get into a play fight, throwing each other around until I smack my head onto her wall, making us both erupt into a loud fit of laughter.

"That was your fault!" I accuse her.

"You wish that was my fault! That way you could blame your stupidity on me!"

"Okay you got me there" I laugh with my hands up and we instantly put the sheet face masks on. We take turns in using a jade roller on our hydrating faces, making us feel like we were actually in a spa. Although people generalised girls as being 'girly' like it was a bad thing, ultimately being girly is fun. Especially when you and your best friend are having a pamper day.

We spent a long day doing each other's nails, massaging, any kind of pampering you can think of. It made me thinks this is what it is like to have a sister. I'm sure Olivia also felt the same since she was an only child. I knew it affected her a lot- making her lonely at home without a sibling to annoy her the way Alex did to me.

He may be annoying but he was MY annoying brother, making it acceptable most of the time.

"Olivia, you mind if I ask something?" I say as we sit up on her bed watching 16 candles. "Sure. Go ahead."

"Is there something wrong at school? I hope I'm not putting my nose anywhere I shouldn't, but I noticed at lunch it is pretty awkward between us and the others. For me, it's expected because I barely know them but is there any reason you aren't comfortable with them? Or do you just feel bad for being involved in a conversation that I'm not in?"

I finally turn my head to her and she was staring at the Tv with a sad expression on her face, making me regret interfering instantly.

"You don't have to answer! But I just wanted to make sure you were okay! But never mind lets just watch the movie and think of something else!" I panic making her let out a small giggle in response.

"It's fine Athena! But yea, it has kinda always been like that for me and the group, even more so when they both got into a relationship. They were friends before me so I expected that they were going to be closer but the distance between us remained the same until it grew wider. I've never been too great at making friends, but with you, it was different. I, all of a sudden, got this courage to speak to you like we were destined to be friends" she smiles at me.

"I'm grateful you noticed because despite it being like this for such a long time, they never did. Don't take it in the wrong way! Evie, Charlotte and the guys aren't bad people, I never have thought so. I just think maybe we don't match well, have too little in common and clash in an unharmful and awkward way" she smiles at me and I nod before putting my head on her shoulder, a small way of comfort that I knew she liked.

"I think it's pretty obvious. How about we sit by ourselves, or at least have an 'away from them' trial just to see how awkward it is when we aren't in that situation" I suggest to her.

"I think that is a great idea. Next movie?" she asks as the movie credits reveal themselves.

"Yes!" I say excitedly.

I decided not to stay since I didn't bring any spare clothes and therefore ended up getting home at around 9. My mum already knew that I would be home reasonably late and had somehow had no clue I had ditched school. I didn't know whether I should be concerned with the schools lack of attention to my truancy or happy so that I didn't have the feel the wrath of my mother's anger- something me and my brother was scared of.

Olivia offered to drop me off but I decided to walk home instead. It was a good 30-minute walk but the breeze was perfect, not too cold, not too hot. I listened to music the whole way back and time skipped impressively by. I enjoyed walking by myself every now and again, it was peaceful.

As I got to the gate of my house I heard my name being shouted, I looked to see Ryder waving at me with that annoying smirk on his face. His arms were closed and placed on the window sill as his eyes looked down onto me as if he was some sort of God. It pissed me off.

"What has got you out so late, princess? I hope it's not another boy or I'll be jealous" He says and I gag.

"Ever heard of a thing called friends? Or do you not have any?" I ask sarcastically.

"I do. You!" He says in a fake cheerful way, making me annoyed.

"I would rather die than be your friend Ryder," I state bluntly.

"I didn't realise you wanted to be my girlfriend so bad Athena, you're more desperate than I thought" I choke immediately.

"Get your ass down here and I'll beat it so bad you won't see tomorrow!" I yell at him.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind that" He replies and gets up to do what I fake instructed. I quickly grabbed my keys and ran into my house as fast as possible. A burst of loud laughter escaped from him as I did so.

"Jerk!" I whisper yelled to myself as I ran upstairs and put on Netflix, attempting to only watch an hours worth of a show. Leading to an accidental show binge and me only getting to sleep at five. What an idiot I am.

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