-Chapter 33-

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I woke up and checked the date. It was the 28th of October. A Monday morning. I had to go back to school which I hadn't been in for so long. I got into the shower and did my daily routine. I had a pair of high-waisted black jeans and a knit cream jumper that was tucked in. It looked rather cute if I say so myself.

I walked out with Alex and we knocked at the Johnson's house. The two brothers opened up and it took me a minute to really comprehend that Ryder Johnson was my boyfriend. I smiled and looked at his black jeans and white champion sweatshirt that looked so good on him.

"You look pretty," he says to me making me blush. He looked deep into my soul and grinned playfully after. Gosh, make your mind up about whether you're going to be cute or sexy. I can't take it.

We got into his car and rode to school. Cole and Alex walked as always since they weren't as lazy as us.

When we got to school we went to our lockers and Michael was leaning there with a smirk on his face. "Biology class 203, be there as soon as period 1 has ended. Trust me" he states. We nod unsure of what he meant but we went along with it.

He looked down and noticed our hands. Awkwardly I pulled them apart out of embarrassment but Ryder grabbed them back and intertwined them once again.

"Sooo... You guys are finally official now?" He questions and I nod smiling.

"About time oh my" he grins and puts his hand on our shoulder. And leans closer to the both of us. Both bend over so they're closer to me. "You realise everyone is staring" he states. We both turn and start looking around and realise that it was true.

Everyone in the hall was staring, talking, whispering and pointing at the two of us.

"Oh shit, I didn't even notice" I laughed awkwardly. "Neither". We must've been in our own little world, we were both oblivious to others watching us quite obviously. Almost as if they're making it seem that they're staring, and don't like the idea of Ryder actually being with someone officially. Which I wouldn't even be shocked about, just look at him.

"Well, I'll see you in a few, I'm heading off to class," Ryder says to Michael who nods in response.

"Got any plans after school today?" He turns to me as we head over to class. "I'm babysitting Max tonight but I'm free tomorrow night" I respond and he smiles. "That works for me, how about we go on our first official date since dating?" He smiles at me and I nod eagerly. I was a little romantic and I was always the type who enjoyed going out on dates. I enjoy staying and relaxing at home too but dates were just a nice romantic gesture in my opinion.

"Since you're looking after Max I'll take Ares tonight, tomorrow our project finishes and we have to hand him in" I see Ryder frown. "I'm gonna miss that little guy, I can see you are too," I say sadly. "Despite the endless nights of screeching, I forgot he wasn't real sometimes and I've grown a little attached" Ryder admits and I rub his back in comfort. "I'll come yours after I go look after Max, want to pick me up and we can just chill with Ares on his last night with us" I suggest and Ryder nods with now a bright smile.

We both sit down next to each other and get work done, for once since we usually distracted each other, whether that's while play fighting or actually fighting.

After the class finally finished, me and Ryder rushed over to Biology, class 203. We wondered what was going to happen but just as we got around the corner we saw Mason and Olivia simultaneously throw this weird substance over her. "What is that?!" I ask in confusion at the pure stench. "A mixture of egg and fish juice, they made it themselves" Michael answered, standing next to us as we all watched.

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