-Chapter 21-

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School ended and we were all together walking out of the door. I start talking to Zane only a meter away from the others but low enough so they can't hear. "Zane, how about now?" I ask him one last time. "Fine, Athena. I'll call him now and arrange a place for you two to meet. I'll arrive 10 minutes after. 10 minutes!" He almost yells and I nod. I knew at this point he was a little annoyed at me but I also knew closure would allow me to move on from my past with Meteor, not as a (ex)boyfriend but as a person.

He goes on his phone and then brings it to his ear.

"Hey bro.

Yes, I need to speak to you,

Where abouts?

Nestoren park? 10 minutes. Ok.Cya"

And just like that he ends the call. I didn't hear what Meteor said behind the call but Zane looked towards me. "He's at the park right next to my house. You know Nestoren park?" He asks me and I nod.

"I'll be there a few minutes, if anything happens before that text me" He orders with furrowed brows and I nod.

I run to Nestoren park quickly so I get my time alone with him. We needed to talk.

I get there and I see him sitting there on a bench calmly. He didn't have a single expression on his face and looked at the sky.

I walked over to him and sat next to him. "Long time no see" I start and he looks at me blankly. "Have you been ok?" I ask and he nods without a facial expression. "It's been a while since we saw one another"

I was thinking about how he wasn't hurting me in any way at this very moment. About how he may of really been ok. Meteor was ok, maybe time was really all he needed and I came too strongly and didn't give him enough time alone.

But in an instant second that all changed when he snatched my wrist and began to drag me into the forest behind us. "Why do you always find a way to come back and irritate me? Don't you understand the definition of leaving people alone? Take the hint and fuck off Athena. I don't like being near someone like you. I've always thought that and always will" he spits, looking at me like I was absolutely nothing. All off a sudden his facial expression changes, as though he is about to mock me.

"Did you miss me that much?" He starts laughing, cruelly. I wasn't about to allow what happened in the past happen again. I had learned and had changed, I am no longer the person who lets people tread all over them. But before I can open my mouth Meteor already began talking. "I bet you want to just be by my side you slut. Your disgusting. You really think I want someone like you anywhere near me" He points but pushes his finger into my shoulder, hard.

I instantly push his fingers away and scoff, "someone like me? What is that even suppose to mean? I am a much better person than you could ever be. I thought I knew you in the past but you're such an awful person" I say, although I was mad, I was also disappointed.

"I'm awful? You are the worst out of anyone I've ever met. You thought I really loved you and you're here again probably for the same reason" He scoffs. "Think again. You was a distraction from the world around me." He smirks. "I almost even had sex with you."

"A distraction?" I scoff, " You're scum. I regret even seeing your face. You talk so much shit for someone who obviously hates himself so much. I guess this is your way of making yourself feel a tiny ounce better about your awful life, but that's no excuse. I only wish Zane had a better older brother than you" I glare at him, stepping forward and I guess that is where I immediately went wrong because as soon as I did, I felt Meteor's face drop and instantly push me away.

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